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Elijah was thrusted back in to the boring reality of his life. He awoke on the cold marble floors, in the dark, lifeless room he was just in.

"Elijah" Hayley stumbled over to his side and sat, helping him sit up and adjust himself "what happened?"

"I saw her" he said

"We all did" Mia rubbed her forehead as she got up from the corner "she flipped the table, I've never seen anything like that"

Elijah stood up with the help of Hayley, and looked around, to see if he could still see her "I found out what happened" he murmured, anger and sorrow filling his voice, though he felt a strange satisfaction and something lift of his chest. He now knew he wasn't the reason for her death.

"What happened?" Mia asked, she had never made that much contact with the ghost before.

"I watched as she walked up the stairs, I watched the man poison her" Elijah summed up "I watched her die, and I watched William take his mask off. He killed her and everyone that had perished at the hands of that ripper"

"I knew she didn't kill herself" Mia laughed in excitement like it was an amazing discovery

Elijah was still stinging from watching what happened. And still stinging from actually seeing her; he couldn't believe she was here.

"What does that say?" Hayley pointed to the walls to the right of them, the darkness blanketed the words to the extent that supernatural vision couldn't even make it out

Mia lit another candle and held it up to the words made out of pure Crimson liquid. "Phasmatos Ravenus On Animum" she read

"What do those words mean? It's some sort of spell, that's all I know" Hayley  said

"I've heard the chant before but I can't figure it out" Mia shook her head, trying to break the chant up into singular words and letters until it clicked. But she just couldn't.

Elijah took a closer look. As he murmured it to himself he began to recognise it.

"When Davina was declared regent; when she tried to bring Kol back from the dead, these words aren't the same but they are a modification of what she used" Elijah realised

"It's a resurrection spell" Mia pointed out

"She wants us to bring her back" Elijah couldn't contain what he was feeling, this was just unreal

"I don't think I can, I'm not strong enough" Mia shook her head

"She wouldn't have don't this unless she didn't believe you were strong enough" Elijah pleaded with her "you can draw from me, from Hayley, you have all that you need"

Hayley looked at Elijah funnily. He basically just volunteered her for a witch migraine in order to bring one of his past loves back from the dead. Fun.

"I have some dark objects I can draw from too" Mia "I'll get everything ready, you two head to the gardens and retrieve her remains from the family tomb"

"Wait she's buried in her back yard?" Hayley halted "no wonder nobody wanted this place"

"Yes and her father hung himself out of being alone for years, that's also why nobody wanted the place" Mia snapped

Hayley raised her eyebrows "sorry" she exclaimed, she didn't know how much that this meant to the witch.


The bones clashes together as Elijah tried to lay them gently on the floor, in the bag he had put them in.

"Lay them out" Mia demanded as she sprinkled salt in a shaky circle before placing down bracelets, glass orbs and other dark objects she could draw from.

Elijah felt physical and mental pain with holding her actual bones within his grasp. It was sick, and he had seen some things in his time.

Hayley stood with her arms crossed, watching everything that was going on. If this woman came back from the dead; her and Elijah were basically going to be non existent.

"It's time" Mia broke the silence that covered the room "the moon is at its apex, if there's any time to do this, it'll be now"

Elijah stepped forward into the gleam of the moonlight that shone through the window, he held out his hand for the witch to take, a nervous smile on his face. He knew that this is going to be tough, but he knew that this can test how well she would be in an alliance.

"Draw from me" he said as Mia took his hand hesitantly

"Okay" she breathed. No doubt, she was absolutely terrified. She was a small town witch from Chicago who moved to New Orleans after her coven was brutally murdered by wolves. The biggest spell she had done was a cloaking spell. Nothing more.

"Phasmatos Ravenus On Animum" she began to chant, after each incantation, her voice got louder and more gruff, as if she were trying to hold on to something that just kept slipping away.

The dark objects began to shake and hit against the floors, causing an echo to sound across the whole room.

Elijah grasped on to the hand that was slowly slipping away from him, for he feared that when he was disconnected, the spell would be broken and Mia wouldn't be strong enough to carry on.

A bright light emerged from the middle of the circle, bright enough to send Hayley toppling to the floor in sheer agony, as she had stared directly into it.

Elijah and Mia knew better. Especially Mia, as if she did, she would be permanently blind, she couldn't heal like the others in the room. So she shielded her eyes until it gently dimmed back to darkness.

And the tension stopped, Mia stopped, her hand went limp in Elijah's from exhaustion and the objects within the circle either fell over or came to a steady halt.

He was out of breath, like he had just ran a marathon in human form. But all of that pain, all of the torture of those few minutes that felt like hours went away as he saw something in the middle of the circle.

Hayley got up, she looked straight to the body as well. It had worked.

"She won't wake up" Mia sniffed, her breathing was still quite heavy "not just yet; take her home, put her in bed and leave her until she wakes, maybe cover her"

Lottie's bare body was pressed against the cold flooring, her luscious brunette hair was scattered all over the place. She faced down.

Elijah carefully approached the body, in case anything else were to happen. Nothing did; no sound was made except for the sweet, relieving sound of her pulse and her breathing.

"She's alive" Elijah let out a burst of laughter in disbelief, there was no way it could have worked, he thought it was mere impossible. He knew it could happen to Finn, Kol, Klaus, everyone else but him; somehow his mind had set him dead against the prospect of someone coming back from the dead...
For him.

Elijah whipped of his jacket at lighting speed and placed it over her back at the same time as lifting her up.

"I cannot thank you enough" Elijah thanked the witch "we will be in touch shortly"

"Please" Mia smiled, her eyes laid on the pale girl who's limp head had involuntarily rested on Elijah's shoulder "her story has helped me through a lot; id like to thank her myself"

Elijah nodded his head before leaving the house.

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now