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"Charlie?" Lottie walked in to the small room inside the house that was his and his alone.

It was dark and quiet, so dark and quiet that Lottie thought that nobody was in. She looked at Elijah, shrugging her shoulders "he's not here" she said

Elijah held his index finger up to the middle of his lips as he stepped forwards into the small room with a mattress and a closet. He could hear something.

The wooden floorboards creaked under Elijah's leather shoes as he stepped to he closet.

"Charles I'm going to give you to the count of three to come out and explain yourself otherwise I'll have to get the answers out of you my way" Elijah shouted to the closet where Charles was hiding



Before Elijah could place his tongue between his teeth to pronounce three. A clicking sounded from the closet as the man stepped out.

"Charlie" Lottie ran in and took him in her arms in a tight squeeze. "Tell me it isn't true" she shook her head looking at him with hurt in her eyes.

"Lottie I didn't do anything" he said

"Why did you take her?" She asked "Charlie why did you take Jessica's body, and where did you put her?"

Charles stuttered and sobbed trying to get his words out properly "I-I found her in the basement and I knew that if I came up screaming about it, of course a petty worker would be blamed"

"But if you leave a trail of blood and your cuff links whilst dragging her dismembered body through the private tunnels, of course you'd be blamed" Lottie said

"I didn't know what to do" Charles shook his head vigorously "the only way was to take the tunnel to the bayou and bury her"

"That wasn't the only way, you could've come to me, I could have helped you; I could've stood by you when you told everyone what you saw"

"Let's be honest with ourselves Lottie, you'll always be that spoilt little rich girl, you always kept quiet whenever I broke a vase, or when I took the fall for you when we were small" he spat

Elijah stepped forward to intervene but Lottie put her hand up and stopped him "he's just upset, Elijah" she said turning back to Charles "Charlie, please just calm down, we can sort this out"

"We can't sort anything out Lottie" she huffed "I just want you to leave" with that he raised his arm and clipped her across the face, leading her to toppling over on to the mattress.

Elijah immediately sprung into action and pinned him against the wall by his neck. "Don't you dare" he said slowly and quietly

Lottie snapped her head up and in her anger gazed upon Charles, beginning to boil his blood.

"You're upset Charles" she said, making sure he got the point before relieving him "I won't tell anybody about this incident"

And with that, Lottie stormed out of the room with her hand pressed against her face.

Elijah trailed behind after flashing an evil glance at the boy in the room who was now shaking so much anybody could hear him breathe.

"How hard did he hit you?" He slightly jogged to catch up to her

"It's fine, it wasn't that hard" she said, peeling the palm of her hand from her face. There were a few droplets of blood smudged around her cheek and her skin had turned red. "I'll heal soon"

"Wolf perks?" Elijah smirked

"Yeah" she half smiled, holding back a laugh. She had never connected so much with someone she knew for so little time, it was strange.

"Lottie!" William exclaimed, walking down the corridor "I've been searching everywhere, you do have a thing for disappearing"

Lottie pressed her lips together, she smiled slightly. Elijah realised that when she smiled at William, it was more of a reserved one. However; he had seen that when she smiled with him, she showed her teeth and wasn't afraid to laugh. It was strange indeed.

"William" she said "I ran into Elijah in the quarter, he left something of his last night so I invited him around to come and pick it up"

"Yes" Elijah looked around and smiled to William, fumbling in his pocket for something to show "I lost my watch" he said, pulling out a golden watch on a delicate chain

"Well, now that you're here, why don't you stay with us for dinner?" William asked "saves you a journey home"

"I'm afraid I cannot stay, no matter how tempting" Elijah glanced down at Lottie without her noticing "the offer is, I have family business to attend to"

"Well that's a shame" William said pleasantly "maybe one day this month you and your small family could come around; our chefs are delightful"

"I'll have to take you up on that offer, however for the present I do need to rush off, thank you for helping me find my watch Lottie" Elijah said, fidgeting and getting ready to leave

"I'll get Charles to call the horses around" William made to go to Charles' room but Lottie immediately stopped him

"Charles is occupied at the moment, father had asked him to do something" she lied "I'll call the horses around"

"Nonsense, you're a lady" William smiled, bending down to her in a patronising manner "I'll find someone else"

Or I could just walk. I'm a vampire for Lords sake.

"Well" Lottie said "it's nice seeing you Lord Mikaelson; we'll have to do this again"

"Goodbye, Lottie" Elijah smiled, slightly bowing "and Good day, William"

Elijah left the couples presence and simply disappeared quickly, too quick for the horses to be notified.

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now