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It was when she was on her way home, Lottie stumbled over another body. this time she couldn't identify who it was because it was missing a head.

The blood had dried and it seemed as if she had been dead for a while. But she had trailed this path on her way to Elijah. She only hoped that this killer didn't see her. Maybe she had just escaped death.

She couldn't say anything though; it killed her. Maybe on her morning stroll she'll stumble upon a body. But that means for the rest of the night she won't be able to sleep.


"The dress has had its final alterations applied and is now hanging in the closet" Joseph spoke swiftly "you were in charge of your suit William"

"Yes sir and it is all sorted"  he nodded

"I'll try mine on later, father" Lottie added

"Great, with 3 days to the wedding, everything's being tied together" he clapped his hands together and rubbed them in a satisfying fashion

3 days. Lottie knew it but when someone else said it, it sounded daunting and everything she didn't want. Her heart stopped for a bit and the butterflies fluttered in her stomach so much that she almost threw up.

"Oh and I have a surprise" Joseph smiled

"And what is that?" William stopped, grabbing Lottie's hand. From a distance, they actually looked like a normal couple. She just hoped her father nor William could see closer.

"I'm moving the date of our grand ball, to the day after your wedding" he smiled joyfully. Since when did Joseph smile? "We don't want your wedding being outshone do we?"

"Father you can't..." Lottie blurted out, gaining weird and curious looks from the pair "... Because we already have too much celebration, the wedding is very large in itself"

"Nonsense" he refused "the invitations have been sent out already"

Lottie stood there; everyone was going overboard for a wedding that she didn't even want.

The grand ball was an annual party held by, Joseph. He invited all of the wealthy men and women from town as well as their own witch coven. It was a time where everyone was in the same place at the same time, dressed in all sorts of finery.

It's just prolonging it and her little heart couldn't do it. At one of these points she'd be ready to say the wedding is off or I cant carry on this marriage, I am in love with another and so on.

"Okay, well the next step is to actually get married" William smiled. Wow; Lottie couldn't remember a time where both the men in her lives were smiling, genuinely. Maybe this thing wasn't too bad after all. Maybe she could live with it.

As soon as Joseph left the room; Lottie tried to make a break for it.

"Where are you going?" William grasped her wrist and pulled her back

"Out" she said vaguely

"Yes but where exactly is out?" He asked "you've been acting strange lately; you've been sneaking around as if nobody has noticed"

He knew. Oh gosh he knew. "It's a surprise" she came up with immediately "for our wedding"

He looked sceptical. "What on earth would you be doing in the middle of the night; what could you find or sort?"

"My love" bile rose in her throat as she softened him with her words "do you trust me?"

the back of her hand slid gently down is rough cheek. "Of course I do" William took her hand and kissed it

"Then let me carry on" she pleaded "when we are married you have full control"

"As it should be" William added "you are such a stubborn one"

"Yes but you love me, don't you" her lips pressed together and the edged curled into a sickly smile.

"Of course"

"Then I need to go" her hands reached for her skirt to lift it up and walk away "I'll see you in the morning"

"Be careful out there" he said before she left

As Lottie turned around to leave through the door. A man frantically ran in.

"What is it?" William asked, the mans expression said it all

"I think we have found our killer" his breath fluctuated as he blurted out

"William lets go" Lottie demanded

"No" he shook his head "he might be dangerous

"Hardly" the man said, Lottie recognised him to be the sheriff of the town "our men pulled him from the river this morning; only feet away from another victim"

"I don't know about you, but I am going" she lifted her skirt again "take me to where he was found"

"As you wish my lady" the man nodded his head and lead her out of the door. William followed swiftly behind.


Lottie followed the sheriff down the winding paths of the bayou. She knew where to go. She was the one that found the victim in the first place.

"The victim was found here ma'am" he informed her "we have no idea on the whereabouts on the rest of her body"

Lottie bit her lip and tried not to look too suspicious as she faked her surprise and disgust.

"And we found this body floating along the river" he stepped to the side to reveal the suspected killer "I don't think he'll be dismembering any one else now"

Lottie gasped. This definitely was a surprise.

Her feet felt like jelly as she recognised the blue tinted face with eyes closed. She trembled as her knees hit the floor and her hands began to touch his face.

"This is no ripper" she shook, his face felt cold at the slightest of touches "this is my friend, this is Charlie"

Her eyes filled up as she tried to shake him awake. But he had been dead for over a few hours.

She looked up, her vision blurred with tears pooling in her eyes and she swore she sore Elijah's sorry figure stood at a distance.

As William's hand reached her shoulder and all she wanted to do was shake him off and run to Elijah. It was strange how one person could comfort you so much and one persons touch could make everything go away.

But in a blink of an eye, as she tried to rid the tears. Elijah had vanished.

Lottie cradled her old friend in her arms one last time before she had to let him go. "Keep looking for the killer" she demanded "because he sure as he'll isn't"

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now