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Sleep. All she did was sleep. A permanent grove and set into the bed from where she lay all day and all night.

Elijah would always worry. Why should he deserve happiness? Why on earth has the universe or whoever is in control give him the one thing that could make him happy again? What was the catch? What was going to go wrong?

Millions of questions filled his head as doubt grew. He took time out of the day to sit in the darkened room where Lottie lay. He took the time to just stare at her, trying to convince himself that this time, it's real, it's forever.

But it never is; Tatia and Celeste to be taken for example; they died, people grow old and die, Elijah would always stay the way he is. Eventually he would have to deal with losing her. But it didn't seem right, her being here, in 2015 didn't seem right.

"You've been sat on that chair for hours" Lottie grumbled, as her eyes fluttered awake and she realised that Elijah was still there

"It's only been two and a half hours" Elijah smiled towards her messy hair and fading eyes

"It is still- what do people say these days?" She asked before coming to her conclusion. "Oh yes, creepy"

"It's not creepy if you're in love" Elijah stood up and straightened his suit out

"I can't believe after all of these years, centuries; you still hold the same love for me" she brushed her hair back and sat up on the bed "how?"

It wasn't a matter of how; it was a matter of who. Elijah jumped from
Girl to girl when he knew that Lottie had killed herself. They numbed the pain for a little while. But after years of whoring around; he realised he needed love and not just blood and sex.

And he found it. He did, in fact, have very strong feelings for Hayley, it was either love or very very close to it. But be wouldn't admit it to himself because in the end, it's the ones Elijah loves that bears the brunt of the events.

And now Lottie is back, Elijah would choose her straight away. But a small part of him is torn between the two.

That part he decided to ignore. "I can't believe you've slept that much; haven't you already got enough?"

Lottie turned around, she wasn't sure whether she would take that as a joke or if she should take it to heart. "I don't remember most things from the other side; except for it being an extended nightmare; I didn't sleep"

"I apologise if that comment came across as insensitive" Elijah realised what he had just said "I didn't mean to"

"It's okay" she smiled, walking to lengthened mirror to look at herself one more time. Recently she just couldn't get enough, she was real and she wasn't a ghost. It was unbelievable, like a child with a new toy.

Elijah walked up behind her and slithered his arms around her waist. He looked at them both in the mirror.

"You know the last time we did this, I was just about to get married" she pointed out

"And I did not have the knowledge that it would be the last time I'd hold you again" Elijah's voice fluctuated as he tried to hold back how upset he was

"But it wasn't" Lottie broke away and turned to face him "look, look at me" she pinched her arm multiple times "I'm real"

Elijah stopped her fingers from inflicting pain upon themselves by holding her hand tightly and raising it to his mouth to kiss it.

"I spent 200 years believing you killed yourself" Elijah sounded a lot more emotional "I blamed myself and I have never found myself feeling so vulnerable, so terrified for the future because as soon as I met you, I planned one for us"

"You planned our future?" Lottie asked, she was more than surprised at his remark

"Yes, when you broke your marriage off, or once you were married and we could run, I would've taken you around the world" Elijah reminisced his young plans "and then, we'd settle in Northern France or London; depending what you found the most breathtaking"

"I would have liked that" she smiled "I only remember clips of time in the other side, in that hell house; but I remember the feeling you gave me when you walked through that door"

"And what feeling was that?" Elijah asked

Lottie reached up and kissed him on the lips. Man, she couldn't get enough of that, and neither could he.

"Do you feel that?" She asked when they broke off "can you feel the butterflies rise up in your stomach? Can you feel your heart race faster than usual?" She placed her hand on his heart to feel it race a mile a minute

"Yes" Elijah breathed, the feeling she gave him was so unique in every way. The butterflies were violently knocking around in his stomach and he had never known anyone else to make his heart beat so fast. His legs felt like jelly and though he knew she was alive, he still felt an element of surprise.

"Take that feeling and multiply it by 1,000" she emphasised "I had been stuck in there ever since William had murdered me; what happened to him?"

"He moved to a different town, eventually someone found out and caught on to his tricks; after they found his new wife in pieces; they burnt him at the stake" Elijah smugly said; it was a shame that other people had to die before William did. But it was worth it.

"And father?"

"when William left; Joseph was left utterly alone, after losing you, Josephine and your mother, he felt like the better thing to do was to hang himself"

Lottie gasped "he killed himself" she repeated, unbelieving of it

"I could see sense" Elijah said "if I were not immortal, and I had lost you, then I would surely not want to carry on"

Lottie smiled and hugged him again "what happened after that?" She asked in awe

"Nobody wanted to even touch the house; they believed it was haunted and it brought bad luck" he explained "in the middle of the 1700's the state released it to be valuable and not to be touched, it's stayed that way ever since"

"Is it okay if we have a look?" She asked, very bravely

"Of course; I have someone who wants to meet you, she spends her time there" Elijah informed

"Was it that girl you were with when you visited me?" She asked directing it at Hayley

"No" Elijah shook his head "she's someone far different"

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now