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The next day, Lottie woke up to a normal day. Flowers had been set aside with a note from William, apologising for his daft behaviour the night before. And to her knowledge, nobody had yet found the body. And it wouldn't be too long before they could smell it.

"Do you have anything planned for the day?" William asked her as she sat at the breakfast table, a maid came over to her and went to put some bread on her plate but Lottie kindly dismissed it, she felt nauseous more than hungry.

"I'm taking a trip to town" She said "alone"

"If you're still angry about my actions I am sorry" he said sharply

"Yes I know, you are forgiven but I would like a day on my own" she said, though she had things to do, things that would be beneficiary without William beside her. "Oh and by the way, have you seen Charles recently?"

"Your butler?" William asked "I'm afraid not, I haven't seen him since the other day"

"He's my friend, not just a butler" she corrected him

"You know sweetheart I do wish you wouldn't be so involved in the help" William sighed, shaking his head and continuing to eat.

"He's not just the help" she snapped "he is my friend"

Lottie stood up "I won't be home until afternoon" she said before storming off
To the outdoors to take the carriage into town.

There she pushed through crowds, waved to some strangers who thought they knew her, but most of all she looked intently for someone she knew that would be able to help.

"Lord Mikaelson" She curtsied at the sight of him "I hope I am not to bother you"

"Lottie" he said, pulling his attention away from whatever he was looking at, somehow he didn't realise it. "What brings a young woman to town, alone"

"I was in search of someone who could assist me" she said "nobody has gone down to the cellar and I'm beginning to worry" her tone hushed a little more

"If you worry, then maybe we should stumble upon the body" Elijah suggested

Lottie twitched as people walked past, she was paranoid.

"I do not know you well" Elijah said "but I know when people are acing paranoid"

"I don't know if I came into contact with the killer last night" she sighed, looking out for others again, in case they heard "I had a bloody handprint on the back of my dress"

"Do you know who did this?" Elijah asked "do you recall who touched you last night?"

"I do not" Lottie stirred and fidgeted around "though I recall father guiding me in front of the crowd, but I'm not sure it's him, he may be cruel but he would never hurt a fly"

Elijah hadn't known something like this before, a human, or witch or anything that wasn't a vampire causing conflict and keeping their identity masked. It was unnerving not knowing when he will hit next.

"Shall we go before others find her?" She asked

Elijah nodded his head and began walking alongside her. "I have a carriage waiting, I can tell father you were interested in our wine"

"I doubt he'd believe that" Elijah scoffed

"I do not see you coming up with anything different" Lottie retaliated huffing and puffing

"Maybe we don't need an excuse, nobody will see us go down" Elijah said

"Yes but somebody will see us run back up yelling about a body in the basement" Lottie growled

The two hopped into the carriage and Lottie waved her hand to initiate the driver to move.

She turned from the window to Elijah "on a different note" she took a breath in "you said on the night we met that I could help myself and my..." She cleared her throat "situation"

Elijah tilted his head until he clicked on what she meant by her situation; wolf.

"Well it has been known witches casting spells to subdue wolves within humans" Elijah said "I'm unsure of the spell, my mother cast it on my brother Niklaus, so it is possible"

The sunlight glimmered against Elijah's daylight ring and reflected into Lottie's eyes. "Your ring is really bright" she squinted

"My daylight ring?" Elijah spun it so it reflected somewhere else

"That's what you use to walk in the sun is that correct?" She asked

"Affirmative" Elijah smirked at her. He watched as she turned around and looked out of the window again. He could see the cogs move in her brain.

After a minute or so she quickly spun her head back "do you still have your mothers grimoire?" She asked

Elijah didn't know what to say. He hummed and ahh'd in his head before involuntary saying "yes"

"Do you think I could see the spell she used to make the daylight ring?" She asked "and if your mother cast the spell on Niklaus, it could be in there?"

"What are you thinking?" He asked

"If I combine the daylight ring and the subduing spell, making the necessary adaptations to the spell to forge a ring made from moonstone, I might be able to stop myself from changing every full moon yet harness the agility and senses of my inner animal" she said quickly, Elijah could barely keep up.

"It might be possible" he said, he did have a few experiences with magic in his long life, and he was brought up with it, and he couldn't think of any reading why not to.

"Maybe I could arrange something and you'll let me see it?" She asked "I know it's very important so I won't take it from you"

Did she really just say that? All witches that wanted a peek at Esther's grimoire always wanted to keep it for themselves, to use it against vampires. It was a nice change, he could relax a little more.

The horses neighed and the carriage came to a halt. Elijah was the one to step out first, holding his hand out for Lottie to take as she stepped down.

She nodded her head and pressed her pink lips together for a smile. Her hair flowing down in thick curls and a hat placed nicely on her head, to match her 3/4 sleeved dress.

"Are you ready?" Elijah asked her, he wanted to say that she didn't have to do it and he would be perfectly fine in going alone.

"No, let's do this"

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now