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Elijah's cough echoed through the compound, he sat next to Lottie, and opposite Niklaus and Mia.

"It did take us a few hours to work it all out" Lottie began speaking to break the silence "and it is a tough decision we have made"

Elijah didn't realise how tough the decision was until he was faced with his brother, in front of him, awaiting an answer. He couldn't imagine leaving his brother after all of these years following him, caring for him and being the only friend he has.

"Lottie I can't" Elijah turned around before she could say anything, his stomach lurched; he didn't want this change, he didn't want any of it. He was comfortable in the same routine, with the same people.

Lottie turned around in a state of shock, she shut her eyes and then nodded "if that is what you want" she said quietly. Elijah was only asking what she wanted to do, he made it so clear that he wanted to go to Washington with her. He made her want that life just a little bit more.

"I'm sorry" Elijah said, he knew that Lottie wanted to go, and it hurt him that he just couldn't bring the courage up to leave

"It's okay" she said "this is your family, you have good memories here"

"It's our family" Elijah corrected "we would live in constant fear of our life being stripped away if the witches find us, it is better to stay here, reclaim our home and build it up from the ashes"

"If it is what you want" Lottie said, she even contemplated taking a ticket for herself and going alone. Obviously she couldn't leave without Elijah, she wasn't complete without him, but she wanted a normal life, one she had never gotten. She had always sacrificed it for someone else, and this is the same. Elijah's happiness was at stake and she would give her own just to see him smile.

"Elijah" Klaus realised that Lottie was obviously unhappy with the rash decision making "you are not obligated to me"

At this point Lottie was just begging to be anywhere but in this specific compound, it was just cold and uncomfortable.

"Elijah who are we kidding?" She asked "I wanted a normal life; but we are never going to get that because you are a vampire and I'm a witch, I'd just be happy to be just outside of the city"

Elijah looked into her eyes, he saw how much she wanted something quiet and something close to what would be a human life. And then he looked at his situation, he wanted her to be happy and only her.

She had sacrificed enough already and he didn't want to give up on her only chance to do something she wanted.

"Lottie we are going to move away and we are going to get you the life you have always wanted" Elijah said, sparking an idea, he took the tickets and screwed them up within his grasp.

Lottie tilted her head to the side, what on earth is he thinking about?

"We are moving, out of the city and into the countryside" he said "I'll find a little plantation, with a white fence and nice neighbours and a porch we can put a swinging chair on" he said "I won't be too far from my family, and we can give them an opportunity to defeat the witches"

"And you'll still turn me?" She asked, nodding her head in agreement

"I will turn you right now" Elijah said eager to start house hunting "if that's what you want"

Lottie smiled "of course" she said "it's what I want"

Mia only just realised what was happening "wait!" She said "you're going to turn her?"

"It's my decision" Lottie explained "it just ensures us that we won't be apart"

"That is the most romantic but messed up think I've ever heard" Mia exclaimed "I - I'm speechless"

Mia obviously wanted to argue back, she didn't want Lottie to be turned into a vampire. But it was no use in even saying anything because they would have just ignored her anyway. It was better just to let them get on with it.

Elijah bit his wrist and turned the wound to Lottie to drank the blood confidently. She knew the drill, she knew what she needed to do, and she didn't want to feel weak anymore.

As soon as Elijah ensured she had had enough, taking extra safe precautions and giving Lottie extra amounts to make sure that she will wake up. He stopped the flow and walked to the back of her.

"I love you" Elijah said, his hands placed on each side of her jaw line

"I love you too" she looked up at him and smiled

"Be brave" he took a breath in and threw her head to the side, creating an echoing crack of her neck, one that almost made him feel sick.

And now they wait.

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now