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"You have to make him feel everything"

Lottie recalled Mia's urgent calls to her for when she woke up from her sleep.

She had to make Elijah feel everything, emotionally. Lottie had to be so upset and mad at Elijah, she had to be angrier than she ever has; just to ensure that he can be saved, and to give Mia time to feel the venom disappear from his veins.

In the meantime; Klaus had given Elijah some of his blood to heal his wolf bite.

"Lottie I'm so sorry" Elijah repeated. Lottie had been given a tissue and she was now dabbing her scratch gently with a rather astonished and outraged expression on her face; enough for someone to feel guilty but enough so they feel a bit scared

"It's fine" she said, she only said that and nothing more. She was completely fine with it, but she knew that in the long run it'll help, they just needed to figure out if he's cured or not

"It's not" Elijah shook his head and stood up "it's not fine, I was so stupid" he went to put his hand on Lottie's shoulder, but she instantly shuffled away

"Just leave it" she snapped again, feeling the blood dry and the wound heal enough to stop the bleeding "it's done"


"Can't I just die for like 5 minutes without you going and selling your soul- or in this case, Niklaus?" She asked, her voice cracked because she acted so upset

"It was impulsive" he admitted "I know that now but the prospect of living without you just haunted me"

"You could have moved on... Found someone else... Hayley seems interested" Lottie shrugged

"I'd never do that to you" Elijah pleaded "I've not even spoken to Hayley ever since you have come back, please just accept my apology"

Lottie looked at Mia "is it gone?" She asked her, urging her to check Elijah's blood to see if the venom had gone.

Mia walked up to Elijah, taking his hand and delicately pressing a needle against his finger to draw blood. Elijah didn't flinch, he only stared longingly at Lottie with guilt in his eyes.

Mia examined the blood that she had just wiped on her hand, closing her eyes and seeing if she could feel anything out of the ordinary.

"It's gone" she said surprised. It had actually worked, by giving Elijah the thing he made his goal to get, eradicated in between. He no longer needed Niklaus dead, or the unimaginable strength.

"Oh thank God" Lottie exclaimed as she took one last look into Elijah's puppy dog eyes before getting up and running strident over to him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as her lips collided with his "I could no longer take being mad at you" she said between breaths "I could never be mad at you"

Elijah's hands fell around her waist and soaked in her aura and her touch once more, he never knew if it would be the last. That was unpredictable, so he would have to treat every moment as if it were the last.

"I'm sorry" he said again

"Sh" she hushed him "you are foolish, impulsive, crazy, stupid and I could go on" she began "but you are mine and I forgive you"

And that only left one question left unasked and unanswered. Where do they go now?

Klaus walked quietly in to the room as he had left moments ago without anybody noticing. He had something in his back pocket.

"Niklaus, I can't begin to admit how wrong I was and how sorry I am" Elijah began to walk up to him

"brother" Klaus smiled, putting his hands on both of his shoulders and gently shaking in happiness "you need not apologise to me, it was merely a rubbish decision made by your significantly dull judgement"

Elijah rolled his eyes and gave a small tut, that meant that all was forgiven. "What is that, In your hand?" He asked as Klaus took a small envelope from
His back pocket and tapped his other hand with it

"Let's class it as a little welcome back to the living gift, for Lottie and you" Klaus held it out for Elijah to take, which he did, very cautiously "yes, I did notice what you were babbling on about when you were under the influence"

Lottie walked to Elijah's side and watched as he stuck his thumb under the flap of the envelope and tore neatly into it.

"Two one way tickets to Washington" Elijah read out on the tickets "Niklaus that's all the way across the country"

"Yes" Klaus breathed in, ready to explain "according to my sources Washington is the most safest place and one that is unpredictable if someone were to follow you. You wanted a safe life, there you have it"

"Niklaus we can't..." Lottie tried to explain but she couldn't think of any disadvantages to moving away; except for this was her home town, but everything has just gone wrong for her here

"At least think about it, sleep on it, those tickets are valid for a while"

"Okay" Elijah nodded "we'll talk about it"

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now