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"the ancestors can't want Lottie dead" Mia had made herself comfortable in the Mikaelson's compound "she uses earth magic, she doesn't use theirs"

"I'm still apart of their coven" Lottie interrupted "I did use ancestral magic before I killed a man and turned wolf; as they are concerned; I still belong to them"

"And if the ancestors want you dead, then that means..."

"All of the witches in New Orleans want me dead too" Lottie yet again interrupted "I have a mark against my name, a bounty on my head and one day or another they're going to get me"

"I won't let that happen" Elijah refused

"You don't have a say in what happens, when the ancestors want someone dead, they get their way or else hell will reign loose" Mia said

"You're absolutely correct" An unfamiliar woman strode in through the front gates with confidence "we all get what we want; call us spoilt"

"What on earth..." Elijah stood up, ready to do anything he needed to do

"Oh how rude of me" she laughed "allow me to introduce myself, my name is Delilah Rose Lee, regent of all nine covens during my short reign in 1456; I've taken up residence in the land of the living in order to fulfil my ancestors wishes"

"And that is?" Elijah asked

"To collect the girl" Delilah smiled sarcastically "now you can give her up or we will pry her out of your cold fingers, make you watch her die and then we will kill you"

"I suppose you are in charge of this uprising then" Elijah linked the two together

"I wasn't; no that was someone else's idea. But when I heard about you all playing with life and death, I thought I'd be a better leader as well as complete my duties at the same time" she explained

"Well you made the biggest mistake love, coming in to my home, threatening my brother and his girlfriend" Klaus entered swiftly "though I don't appreciate him not telling me about how he brought her back; but I would much rather side against you" he smiled sarcastically

The witch then knew she was outmatched. With two originals, two other witches (one having 300 years of power). She could try and take the younger witch, but she'd be struck down before she could move on to the next.

Klaus recognised the look on her face, her smile had dropped slightly and her eyes couldn't fixate on a single thing. This made him feel happy; this is what he lived for. Inflicting fear upon those who threaten him and his family.

"You may have won now" Delilah began, stepping away slowly "but when I return; you'll know, and I'll have back up"

"I will look forward to that" Klaus wiggled his fingers in a sarcastic wave as the woman stepped through the door

"But a little gift before I leave" she stopped them in their tracks, her gaze fixating on that if Lottie who was glaring her down, ready to do anything.

Delilah's hands clapped together before slowly opening with something in. "Do you recognise this?" She invited Lottie to have a look.

Elijah shook his head has his gaze met hers. "No" he mouthed but Lottie's curiosity got the better of her as she began to slowly walk towards the witch.

Elijah grasped her wrist as she walked, but her small wrist slid from his hold as she carried on.

Lottie leant over and looked at the small gleaming badge that she had recognised many times before on William.

"How did you get this?" She spat, her eyes burning red from keeping tears from falling

"It doesn't matter how I got it" Delilah shook her head "all that matters is what it's going to do to you"

Before anybody could move, she clapped her hands back together and set the badge on fire, burning it down to nothing but grey ash. She chanted an enchantment spell before blowing it straight into Lottie's face and disappearing.

Lottie fell to the floor, coughing and coughing, she couldn't stop. why couldn't she stop? Her breathing deepened as she struggled for breath and her face felt like it was burning.

"Make it stop" she cried and shouted, she didn't know if she'd make it

Elijah was right next to her, his hands grasped around her head, forcing her to lean on his chest; she convulsed and cried, twitched and groaned. "Mia is there anything we can do"

Mia scattered to her side and tried to examine what had been blown into Lottie's face. "I-i" she stuttered, she wasn't good in tense situations, she wasn't good when someone depended on her. "Basil" she recalled a pain numbing spell she learnt when she was little "get me basil, thyme, vervain and wolfs and extract" she shouted to Klaus

"She's a wolf, wouldn't it make her worse?" Elijah asked worriedly

"Wolfsbane helps counteract the toxins; whatever she has put in this, it'll stop and Lottie would be thankful for the sweet burn of wolfsbane" Mia snapped

Klaus had already disappeared to fetch the ingredients she needed. He only needed to go straight to the pantry where he had already collected these things.

Meanwhile, Mia scraped a bit of ash from Lottie's reddened face, she let it fall into a small whiskey glass that she collected from the shelf. "When she's well; I'll see if I can find what this damned thing really is"

"And who says family life is boring" Klaus added, placing the ingredients down next to Mia "do your work"

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now