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Klaus and Mia sat in the compound, anticipating Elijah's return. Expecting him to come in and go straight up to bed without a word.

"He'd go from one extreme to the other" Klaus began to explain to Mia "at first he might isolate himself from the world for weeks, waiting to desecrate; on the other hand he might go out and bring in hundreds of college girls to try and numb the pain"

Mia inhaled, she felt so bad for Elijah that she could just burst out in tears "that's awful" she attempted to sum her feelings up in two words but what she felt was indescribable

"Elijah is the kind of man that never really invests himself into something other than family. He never allows himself to love; but when he does, he just dived head first into it" Klaus described "it always ends badly and Elijah is always the one left standing at the end of it"

"And so he blames himself" Mia understood "but Klaus what would you say if I said I might..."

"Niklaus!" Elijah's bellowing voice echoed throughout the whole compound; even the liquid within the glasses shook tremendously

Klaus snapped his head towards the door to see a tag her disheveled Elijah walking violently towards him. His eyes were fully black and he looked different.

Before Klaus could even gather a thought or to ask about his eyes, he found himself pinned against the wall, sharp pains vibrated his back due to the force he was hit.

"Elijah" Klaus struggled; he was the hybrid; he was always the one that was stronger but why couldn't he budge Elijah's tight grasp? "What is wrong with you?"

Elijah tightened the grip on his brother's wrist until his hand began to turn a ghastly shade of blue, cutting any circulation off.

"You" Elijah simply said "you are what's wrong with me; you are the only thing in the way of me returning Lottie back to life"

"What are you on about?" Klaus retaliated aggressively, trying to kick Elijah away but it only resulted in his head being hit against the stone wall.

Before Elijah could speak, he received a massive witch headache from Mia who he been scrambling up the power and the courage to stand up and save Klaus from the demon Elijah.

Elijah bowled over in pain, clawing at his temples to try and somehow rip the pain from his head. In the meantime, Klaus saw his opportunity and kicked Elijah to the floor, before speeding over to Mia.

"Let him speak" Klaus asked her "I want to know what he has to say"

As the pain dwindled in Elijah's mind, he managed to stand up "a witch approached me and made an offer, in return for Lottie, I'd have to take your life"

"And I hope you didn't take it Elijah, we are after all family" Klaus already knew the answer but somehow he thought that Elijah would just change his mind

"Don't you see Niklaus?" Klaus could almost see some of the original Elijah behind the dilated eyes and venomous mouth "it will always be her" his voice cracked as he said it "always"

And with that Elijah lunged once more into Niklaus's line; Mia immediately intercepted at the first opportunity she had.

Elijah's vision fixated on her and instead of crying in pain, or advancing on them again. He simply disappeared, sped off into the crowds outside.

Mia dropped her arms to the side and she just felt like throwing herself on the bed and sleeping for weeks. It was exhausting, trying to incapacitate a vampire of that strength.

"He'll be back" klaus said regretfully. Everything was going wrong and Elijah was always the one to sew things back together, but it was time for Klaus to kick in to gear "but I won't let him"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going out to find him, if I can't, then I'll look tomorrow and the next day and the day after that until I find him and return him to his normal self" Klaus made to walk out of the door, but Mia stopped him quickly

"Wait Klaus, take this" she pulled a stone out of her pocket "I use it to draw from but it protects whoever holds it, if Elijah even tried to touch you, it'll shock him, it'll only buy you a few seconds but that's the best I can do at such short notice"

Klaus took the stone with a sincere smile and put it into his pocket. "I need you to stay out of the way, okay?"

"I have some things of my own I need to do; I have my own plan" Mia revealed to Klaus. It was way too long to begin to explain the mechanics and the goal of it, but she needed Klaus to know there's always a back up plan.

"Stay away from Elijah" Klaus urged "stay on the sidelines, I can't have him hurt you" not because she was the only witch who sided with them, not because she was friends with Lottie, but because- and he had denied it until now- Klaus actually cared for the witch; they had spent so much time together, he actually had formed feelings for her.

Mia nodded shyly, hesitating for a while before storming up to Klaus and immediately pressing her lips against his. "Stay safe" she said, breaking off their kiss.

And with that, Klaus had gone. Leaving Mia to her plan. And if this worked, Elijah would be back to normal in no time.

It just needed to work.

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now