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The car rolled up outside of the strangely familiar house. A small picket sign pierced the ground with "tours this way" painted in red

"I thought I knew that address" Elijah cursed himself, the house he had seen centuries ago had grown untouched and covered in weeds and mould.

"What is it?" Hayley asked, opening the car door and getting out

"This house, it was hers" Elijah admitted, looking straight up he lengthy path that lead to the front door which was cocked open, held by a small rock.

"Do you have to go in?" Hayley feared for his sanity, God knows what it would do to him

"Yes" he inhaled "I just haven't been in for a while.

As the pair walked in to the musty smell and dusty hallway, a voice greeted them along with a group of others.

"Tours are $10" she said holding her hand out. The tourists behind her hustled and bustled, scrambling for cameras. Flashes and shutter sounds came from all angles.

"Actually, we just wanted to talk to you, Mia? Is it?" Elijah asked to ensure he was at the right place with the right witch

"You can talk to me after the tour" she held her hand out again "I'm sure $10 would break the bank of Mikaelson"

She was definitely the right witch.

Elijah took whatever he could grasp from his wallet and gave it to the witch, who tucked it into her back pocket.

"right" she smiled "are we all ready? We are going on a trip back through centuries to the era where this house wasn't derelict and was inhabited by the wealth of New Orleans"

How typical Elijah scoffed to himself. There was nothing this witch could tell him that he already didn't know.

"This house has not been touched in centuries, the state declared it a landmark and nobody could demolish it" she began "it was built in the late 1600's by architect James Moore and it was sold to the governor of New Orleans in the 1700's, Joseph"

"Joseph had a wife and two daughters. His wife burnt in the terrible fire that caught his home in 1720; his eldest daughter, brutally murdered by the infamous Unknown ripper" she explained "leaving only him and his daughter; Lottie, who we'll focus more on, during our tour" she explained

Elijah shut his eyes as she said her name. Is everyone so against his happiness today? Why does Lottie keep being brought up?

"If you follow me up the stairs, we'll begin our tour, and then finish in the ballroom at the climax of our story"

Elijah and Hayley followed behind the crowd up the stairs and the young wild took in the beauty of the house. Though spiders lurked around the corners and the past seemed grim. It was well build and exquisite.

They weaved through Joseph's room, Josephine's room, William's previous room and ended up in Lottie's.

He remembered it as if it were yesterday, staring at her in he mirror as he laced up her dress and sending her away to get married to someone else. He shouldn't have done that, he shouldn't have cared too much about her family and coven. He needed to be selfish at that moment.

"Mr Mikaelson you cannot stay in here for the entirety of the tour" the witch Mia snapped him out of his flashes, realising that everybody was looking around outside in the garden.

"I apologise" he shook his head and smiled at the witch, before following her out of the room.

Once they had caught up, and Elijah re united with Hayley, Mia began speaking again.

"It was rumoured that the daughter, Lottie, who was engaged, was having an affair with a mysterious stranger" she smirked slightly

So did Elijah. He knew so much that everyone else didn't.

"The night after the wedding, the family held their annual ball, in order to prolong the celebrations" her voice changed from peppy to serious.

"After their last dance, she walked up these very stairs" she said as she lead everyone up the stairs "into this very balcony here"

Everyone filtered in to the small room; with the same furniture and layout as what Elijah left it as.

"And she killed herself" Mia simply shrugged, her eyes lay on the sofa where she died "right here, she poisoned herself"

Elijah felt as if someone had gone into his stomach and ripped it out. He was reliving this whole night again and he thought that he would never have to.

"But that's what everyone said; that she killed herself" the story had ended, everyone thought it, but her sentence caught their attention once more

Elijah raised his eyebrow as to hear what she had to say about it. He surely hadn't heard this part before.

"Some say that she was murdered. The ripper of this town somehow got her alone and tricked her in to drinking poison" she explained "that's what I believe"

How did she know that? Why did she believe it? Elijah had never even thought of any alternatives but suicide. It could be, she could have been murdered.

He had to know and he didn't know how unless to ask Mia.

When all of the tourists had filtered out. Mia shut the doors and light the candles she had placed.

"You know how much pressure you put on me to be right?" She asked "I've never once had a guest that was actually there"

"Why do you say she was murdered?" Elijah jumped straight in

"Because I can talk to her"

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now