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"Your mood has swiftly changed" William commented on Lottie's current state

"Is it strange how I would not like to speak about recent events? I just need to forget about them and move on with my life" she replied, trying her best not to snap

"Not strange at all" he smiled "where did you run off to yesterday though? I do believe that is strange going away like you were and coming back completely normal"

"I needed to be alone for a few hours, is that so much to ask?" She replied, lying through her teeth. But she knew that I was with Elijah wouldn't go down to well

"No it's not my dear" he smiled falsely and aimed it towards his bride to be. A week, he couldn't believe in a weeks time he'd be married, he never thought Of himself to be a married man. He was never the type to settle down.

William had had affairs countless of times when he had been seeing Lottie. He felt pleasure in it, the adrenaline of sneaking around but also guilt struck him and still does. Maybe that's what has finally tied him down.

As well as the wealth and the status of being married to the governors daughter and next in line coven leader.

"Now if you excuse me, I have a wedding to plan; and I think you have too" she waltzed away in to another room, leaving William behind to do whatever he chooses.

Lottie ensured that everyone had gone to bed and locked their chamber doors tightly before She even took a step out of her door.

Countless nights of sneaking out when she was younger taught her a pattern. Which floorboards made a sound and which floorboards didn't.

She stepped from one to another to another until she reached the stairs, now that was the tricky part. She bit her lip firmly as she reminisced.

All stairs made a noise; and it was just a roulette game whether she should wake anybody up or not. But as quickly as she did it, the quicker it was over.

She held her breath and went for it. Hoping that everybody was in a deep enough sleep. Which they were, nobody awoke.

It was a breeze from then on. She could slide her shoes on her feet and slip out through the front door.

As soon as the cold air hit her face, she threw the hood on her cloak up, as a precaution so nobody would see her. She was an expert, many a times she snuck out to turn into a wolf. And 100% of the time she succeeded.

She took back roads. Usually the town would be flooded with workers and army men, drinking until they are sick and looking for women to have some fun with.

Somebody would recognise her; and she couldn't take that risk.

And then she wove through the trees in the woods. She stood on edge, if anybody were to be following her, killer or no, she would hear them.

And finally. She came to the house within the trees, and outside stood a dark silhouette staring directly at her.

Lottie stopped to look at the man, she caught her breath and carried on walking towards him.

It was Elijah. She smiled sweetly at him as his facial features became visible. His hands tucked neatly in his pockets slid out to embrace her.

"I do not understand why you would not let me walk you from your home" Elijah worried "I can't have you being hurt"

Lottie looked over her shoulder one last time "yes but if anyone follows me, or wakes up, then they would see us"

"Is that really a bad thing?" Elijah asked with a playful smile on his face

"If you are to leave me after this week then yes it would be a bad thing" she replied hastily

"I just don't want you in any danger" Elijah sighed "you'll be my sole weakness if you accompany me"

"I suppose it is for the best" she shrugged softly "if I don't go through with this wedding, all hell will break loose for the witches, and I do like some of them"

Elijah expected a little more fight than that. After all he did want to be with her, but all the disadvantages would add up and make it near impossible. Maybe fate wasn't on their side; it never is.

"But this week is irrelevant" she saw Elijah's eyes look down, knowing that he was thinking "it gives us some freedom, it gives us the chance to at least sample what life could be like if it had no complications"

It was quite sad really. If you looked at it close enough; Elijah could see it, Lottie could see it. 2 people not really getting much of a chance or decision. Lottie because she's already engaged and Elijah because no matter how hard he loves someone they always leave or die, and he ends up alone.

They both deserved a chance at happiness, they both deserved a chance with each other.

Elijah stopped thinking. He didn't want to ruin the night.

His hands found their way to the hood of her cloak and pulled it down, allowing the moonlight to glisten of her hair and pale skin.

Her soft lips quivered as the wind picked up, her eyes, wide as they stared up at him, the moon entrapped in them.

He couldn't call it love, not just yet. But that was what it felt like. A mixture of lust, care, protectiveness, jealousy, everything you could ever think of.

Elijah couldn't hold it in anymore. He had to kiss her, he had to feel her lips brush against his. He had to feel the way she twitches during the kiss because she can't stop smiling.

He pulled her in close and fulfilled his wish. He wanted to utter the words I love you because he could feel the feelings radiate off her. But he didn't want to dive too deep.

The rest of the night they spoke. Elijah told her about places beyond the sky line, watching her beautiful eyes as she could imagine her wildest dreams come to life.

Elijah wanted to take her away from here, knowing that when he left, she would never have the chance. A beautiful girl should have a beautiful life.

He would start with a trip to Venice, he would take her on a boat down the river and show her the lights. Paris would be next, then London, and then anywhere else.

It killed him that he couldn't tell her. She was sat there completely oblivious to the way he was admiring her, oblivious to what he was planning for them.

But it was never meant to be.

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now