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"She's drifting in and out of consciousness, the mark on her arm is shrinking and it's getting closer to the time" Elijah sat with his hands weaved together, Niklaus sat opposite him "but I'm just glad to have her back"

Klaus didn't say much, he just listened for the first time in a while, he just listened to his brother who was going through a hell of a lot.

"I know I don't like the idea of locking her up, but it's the best thing to keep her safe from herself" Elijah carried on, speaking about the lock he installed and the boundary he made Mia create so she couldn't pass through. "It's like she's an animal, I can't predict when she's going to change"

Mia walked in after she had finished her shift watching Lottie. "She's in pain" she said regretfully "it's best if you sit with her"

Mia placed her hand on Elijah's shoulder to tell him that she was here for him.

"How bad is she?" He asked softly

Mia shook her head and shut her eyes, she couldn't physically tell Elijah about the severity of it all, because his eyes were red with the lack of sleep, he looked a mess and she didn't want to make it worse.

"Let's just say she gave me a spell and asked me to charm this" Mia pulled a hand carved dagger from behind her

"You're not going to do that, are you?" Elijah asked; showing his surprise and disgust on the idea

"I can't help it; she made me promise to do it when she got worse, I took a blood oath, I can't go back" Mia refused "I don't want to, I just thought that we would have found something by then"

"She made me promise that if she got worse then I'd have to kill her" Elijah admitted

"She planned it" Mia realised "she's an old witch, she can have premonitions, she's seen it from the start and she hasn't told us"

Elijah placed his head in his hands; he couldn't be dealing with this, he just wants her safe. Was that all he could ask?

"I'll go" he managed to pull himself together and numb the tearing pain in his chest and his stomach

When he reached the door way, he could see her tossing and turning in the bed, groaning and moaning from the pain. Her forehead sweaty and her skin turning red for the burning sensation ignited.

"I need air" she panted, throwing herself up and trying to exit through the balcony.

"You don't need air" Elijah refused, it was killing him to prevent her from one of life's essentials. He walked up and intercepted her before she could reach the doors.

"This is not what I wanted" she began to cry "I didn't come back to life to be tortured back to death; I came back to say goodbye" Lottie threw herself on the bed and Rested her head in her hands

"To say goodbye?" Elijah asked; utterly confused by her words

"Come on Elijah" she let out an inappropriate bubble of laughter and her voice turned back to that of the one he heard centuries ago "we both knew this wasn't going to last long; I don't fit in to this society"

"Then I'll make society fit in with you" Elijah replied "I will give you everything you want and need" almost begging, pleading with her

"Then let me out" she replied

"I can't" Elijah fought is natural urges and stopped himself from getting Mia from lowering the boundaries

But nobody recalled that she was a witch; and as soon as Elijah would leave she would lower the boundary herself and go.

"I figured" she huffed, Lottie lay on the bed and just looked up at the ceiling silently "I saw you wouldn't"

"Just as you saw yourself dying?" Elijah asked

"It's obvious isn't it?" She asked "300 year old witch coming back from the dead to carry on relationship with 1,000 year old vampire" it was her usual humour that Elijah loved to hear, however in the wrong context "it's never going to work, all of the odds were placed against us as soon as you pulled me from that river"

Elijah lay on the bed and placed his arm around her, staring on the same spot on the ceiling that she was staring at. "I don't like to think so negatively, I see it as a challenge"

"Saw" she corrected "you saw it as a challenge; it's over now"

"You never know" Elijah shrugged, pulling her in and placing a small kiss on the top of her head

Her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep. Well, that's what Elijah thought.

He slowly slid away without waking her up, and closed the door tightly behind him.

As she heard the latch close, Lottie's eyes flung open and the began her work. The mark was shrinking down and she didn't have enough time, if Elijah wasn't going to kill her voluntarily then she'd have to make him.

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now