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"I gave you another chance; I gave you another chance to prove that you are loyal to me" Lottie groaned at Elijah "I don't think your heart is in this, you might as well just go back to Klaus"

"Lottie no" Elijah rocked in the corner; his skin broke out in sweats as his bite agonised him and progressed "I-I-I want to kill him"

"Sweetie. I don't think you do" she shrugged "otherwise you'd be out there and Niklaus would be paying for what he has done to you"

"I need to get out, I can't get out" Elijah panicked, his head flying up and looking from side to side before jumping up and trying to pull the bars apart "I'll do it now, I swear, just don't go"

"Look at you" she tutted, eyeing him up and down "you are a mess, you are an insane, mess, no wonder you need me" her finger traced the bite, but he couldn't feel anything "that looks nasty; you better get out before that gets to you"

"I will" Elijah tried to push the bars "it's too... Too strong"

"Well it was made to keep vampires like you in" Lottie huffed, placing her hand where Elijah's were; again, nothing was felt.

The bars stretched like it was some sort of rubber, they stretched wide enough that if he squoze, Elijah could get out. He smiled and let out a chuckle from amazement.

"Don't let me down, my love"

"I won't"


"Whatever you are planning love, please can you hurry up with it" Klaus smiled sarcastically as Mia hopped down the stairs

"It's almost ready" she replied defensively "I've got it upstairs"

"What exactly is this thing I'm relying on so much? I don't even know what it is" Klaus began to worry; what happens if her plan was just a small spell, something completely useless of a vampire of high caliber.

"I can't say" Mia bit her lip, she wanted to, but she couldn't face the embarrassment if something didn't work, or anything went wrong "you'll find out soon"

"The anticipation is killing me" Klaus flashed a smile, again yet another sarcastic smile "literally; if I have to wait too long, Elijah will physically kill me"

"I'm not going to let that happen" Mia relied "besides your like the only guy to touch me in years, I'm not letting you get away that easily"

Klaus laughed, showing his teddy bear smile; how could someone be so cute but so damn evil. "It looks as if I need a lucky escape" he winked

Mia's smile slowly turned into a look of horror, he distraught expression put Klaus on full alert, her eye fixated on whatever was behind him.

"Mia" klaus didn't have to even look "I need you to get as far away as possible" he tried to tell her "you aren't safe, I can protect myself here"

"How sweet" Elijah breathed "my brother, of all people is actually capable of care! It's such a shame that you've single handedly killed all of my past romances; maybe the favour shall be returned?"

Klaus turned around, at the same time trying to shoe Mia away, but she just stood there, frozen.

"Maybe I could torture her whilst you watch; but on the other hand" he tapped his neck "I don't have much time until the hallucinations kick in and I'd much rather kill her later"

A small sigh of relief left Klaus' lips; this is why he didn't get too involved with anyone. Something always threatens their life.

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now