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Lottie threw he covers over self after jumping into bed, she snuggled down and rested her head in Elijah's bare shoulder next to her.

Elijah stared at the wall in front of him; he didn't blink for a while but he was just thinking. Going over the past few events and being thankful for how normal he was feeling.

"Washington is far" Lottie broke him from his own thoughts, she knew Elijah and there wasn't any use in beating around the bush "don't you think?"

Elijah blinked a couple of times before directing his attention on to Lottie, who was looking up at him with an unreadable expression on his face.

"It is" Elijah agreed, unsure of what else he could say, because the truth is, he is considering it, he was weighing up the pros and cons of it all. Rebekah had gone, why can't he?

"But this is our home" Lottie added

"It is" Elijah repeated

"Is that all you can say?" She asked, using her arms to push herself up "we have this huge decision here and you aren't helping"

Elijah shook his head and sighed "you're right I'm sorry" he battled with his absent mind until he settled his focus "tell me, what you want; I would follow you anywhere"

"I don't know what I want" she cried "that's the thing because this is our home, this is where I grew up, where I met you, where you settled, but this is the city where I am most in danger, the witches aren't going to stop any time soon, the one who tried to get you to kill Niklaus is still breathing" she hardly took a breath as she began to explain

"Lottie" Elijah hushed her, he cupped her face with one of his hands "you do realise your safety and welfare is my top priority and nothing else"

"I don't want to be the one to tear you away from your family" she shrugged "I don't want to be the one to leave everyone else in the lurch"

"I believe you won't be of any use, we will be too busy protecting you" Elijah excused

"Then how about this" Lottie slid off the bed and walked over to the envelope, removing the tickets

Elijah looked at her curiously, what was she going to do?

Lottie separated the tickets and threw one in the empty bin beneath her. "You stay with your family; I'll go and come back when it's safe" she said "you all need the muscle you can get to defeat the witches, and you want me safe, so this is a good compromise"

Elijah shook his head and couldn't help but smile slightly. He stood up and walked over to where Lottie was standing, he gently took her hand and bent down, lifting the other ticket from the bin.

"We could have a big house, a white fence, friendly neighbours, we could be a normal couple who fetches the newspaper from the porch every morning, we could sit out on the deck on a swinging chair, drinking coffee" Elijah imagined, he placed the ticket on the table with the other one "if you go, I go"

"It does sound really nice" she said quietly, holding on to Elijah's hand

"It can only be temporary, if you don't enjoy it" Elijah was actually being won over by his argument, he actually wanted this, a whole new life with people who didn't know who he was or what he was. He wasn't a vampire or a gangster.

"Okay" Lottie held back her smile but couldn't help by show her white teeth "let's go but under one circumstance"

"And what would that be?" Elijah asked

"I don't want a life where I'm forever growing older and you stay the same, I don't want you to remain like this when I am old and near death. I don't want to die any more" she said, taking a deep breath in, asking herself why she wanted this, but knowing that it is really in her best interests. A new adventure. A new experience. "I want you to turn me"

Elijah took a sharp breath in, it was so unexpected, he couldn't turn her, that involved killing her and then watching her control her blood thirst. She would lose all innocence. "I- I can't"

"You can" she urged "because as you have previously said, you cannot live without me and what if I were to grow old or die of some mortal disease? Elijah I cannot live without you, I cannot be at peace if I am not with you, so please, I beg of you, change me"

After one tough decision Elijah needed to make another. It was true, he didn't want to watch her slowly grow into her coffin, he wanted her the way she was, with him always. Usually he would be dead set against it, but after all of these events, Elijah actually found solace and peace with a bit of relief in the idea of her becoming a vampire.

"I don't use my magic so I don't need it, it's only brought me trouble" she carried on explaining

"Yes" he breathed

"But Elijah! Please!..." She argued but slowly came to a halt, did he just say yes? "What?"

"Yes" Elijah smiled and grabbed on to her waist tightly "yes I'll turn you into a vampire"

"Oh my gosh" she said, not expecting this reaction from him. He looked so happy. "When?"

"Before we move" he said, kissing her on the lips "tomorrow, and we can work on your thirst"

"Okay" she smiled, kissing him back as passionately as he had just kissed her. Everything was falling into place and they were on the road to a happy life, a perfect one.

As they were engrossed in their kiss, Elijah managed to work his hands around the buttons of her pyjama shirt before sliding it off gently, at the same time as Lottie pawing at his bare chest.

One item of clothing at a time, it had all been scattered on the floor and Elijah lay Lottie softly on the bed, gently ascending upon her. She was still a teenager, she was still innocent

He kissed her neck and up until he reached her jaw line, his hands roaming her body delicately, just to ease her in.

By the sound of how fast her heart was beating, Lottie was obviously so nervous, a little curious and a bit excited.

And so was Elijah. Yes he was 1,000 years old and has done this multiple times with different women. But he has never experienced this sensation with somebody he truly and deeply loved.

He was slow, gentle and he managed to pay close attention to her, whatever she needed or desired he would give it to her. He was going too fast? He would slow down, if she was hurting, he would stop and ask her if she wanted to carry on.

It came to the point where it was so intense that Lottie scrambled and pulled her hair to one side. "If it is to be my last night as a human, please..." She groaned, motioning for Elijah to drink from her blood, one thing she would never ask him to do.

He hesitated, but as his mouth was ever so close to her neck, it didn't take long for him to decide. His fangs buried themselves into her, breaking skin and allowing the warm liquid to flow down his throat.

Lottie let out a small sigh as she felt the piercing sensation in her neck, but as time went on, she found it to be just a numb feeling.

As Elijah lifted his head and wiped her own blood from his mouth, Lottie gave him one last kiss on his forehead.

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now