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Elijah woke up, his head had healed nearly but he still felt a stinging pain from where his head had fallen.

His memories had holes in and his eyes were blurred, blood surrounded him. His blood.

Elijah placed his hand unexpectantly in the puddle beside him; the cold wet sensation triggered a natural reflex as he brought his hand up to his face.

And that's when he remembered. Lottie had gone, well of course it wasn't his Lottie. And god knows where she could have gone, and God knows when she may turn back into her old self.

"Brother" Niklaus made his presence known at the edge of the room, stood in the doorway, Elijah heard his aggravated exhale.

"She's gone" Elijah looked around the room like he was unfamiliar with it, but really he was hoping that the next area he laid eyes on held Lottie within its grasp. But no.

"I can see that" Mia walked up behind Klaus. Gosh were they together a lot over these past few days. "But where has she gone?"

"I" Elijah couldn't think straight, his mind still scattered "I don't know"

"Well; where would a possessed witch go when a bunch of other witches want her?" Klaus asked

Of course. Elijah shut his eyes and cursed himself for being so stupid. "She's going to the witches"

"She's probably already there" Mia lifted her bag and threw it over her shoulder "and I'm going to give them a piece of my mind"

Klaus' hand caught her before her boot could cross over to the hall way "hold it there feisty" he said before pushing her back in to the room and blocking the exit

"It's obvious; the first place we'll look would be the cemetery, of course" Klaus proposed "they'll know that; it's a trap, witches and their ancestors will be there waiting for us"

"What else do you suggest?" Elijah asked "I'd happily walk into an area full of witches that I can easily kill"

"Anything but that" Mia agreed with Klaus "he's compulsive and a bit of an idiot but he's right"

Klaus raised his eyebrows and flashed a smug grin "that's the first compliment you've given me love"

Mia scoffed. Back to the real matter.

But as soon as they got back on track; Elijah's phone started to buzz. It was buried in the covers, he must have thrown it there when everything started.

"It's her" he held his phone like it was sacred, her name coming up as caller ID.

Elijah quickly answered the phone and held it to his ear. "Lottie"

"Elijah" her voice was barely a whisper and it shook "Elijah please help me" she sobbed quietly

"Lottie I'm here" Elijah made sure she knew that "where are you? Who are you with?"

The line was silent for a few seconds that seemed like hours to him.

"I don't know where I am" she replied after some thought "a plantation on the outskirts of town, all I know that it's white and it's by a river, it has a barn, I'm in there"

"I'll find you" Elijah had a rough idea where she was speaking about. But a quick bit of research wouldn't go amiss; just in case there was any other plantations with white houses and a barn, next to a river "who are you with?"

"They're coming" she didn't aim that directly at Elijah, but he heard it anyway "I have to go"

Before Elijah could even form the first letter for his next word, the line went dead.

"Did you hear that?" Elijah asked the two. Mia didn't of course hear it, she had human hearing, Klaus on the other hand

"I think we both know where that is" Klaus nodded

Mia looked between the two "I'm glad someone does" she said "what are we waiting for?"

"Mia you're not coming with us" Klaus shook his head "you're too valuable..." He stopped "... To our cause, of course, we couldn't get you killed"

"I won't" Mia shrugged "and you can't stop me, Lottie has helped me, I'm still repaying that debt"

"Plus if we are stuck in a house full of witches, maybe one or two would come in handy" Elijah had already gotten dressed from his previous blood strained, ripped shirt.

Mia pointed to her own forehead, silently indicating Elijah had a little... No, a lot of blood on his forehead.

He didn't care. For once in his life he didn't really care about how presentable and how clean he was. Yes he had to change his clothes because they were so torn that it showed Half of his chest. But the blood on his forehead? No. He didn't care.

"Do you need anything before we go?"
Klaus asked Mia

She shook her head, surely if she needed something, she could channel the brothers or find it in the witches house.

"We need to hurry"

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now