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The ceremony was held in the back garden of Lottie's old house, they managed to slot the coffin in to her old space just on the shelf below her father's already rotten corpse.

Elijah wished he could have given her something better, but no vampires could even set foot in the cemeteries without witches blowing their heads off.

So they settled.

Elijah, Klaus and Mia were the only attendees. There was nobody else that really knew her.

Elijah was stood in his knee length trench coat, his hands buried deep into his pockets and his face masking a million emotions ready to burst out. But he remained calm, for he knew eyes were upon him. And not just Niklaus' or Mia's but that of others he did not recognise just this second.

"I need some time" the words slid out of Elijah's cold, chapped lips. He didn't direct his sentence to any one in particular but Mia took the hint.

She took Niklaus' arm and tugged it "come on" she called, pulling him out of the door "we'll see you back at the compound"

Elijah smiled falsely and nodded one return, he could barely speak, it hurt him. It hurt him to move, to breathe, to do anything he was able to do before, because Lottie meant the world to him, she was the reason for his existence.

When Elijah met her all those years ago; it was not only him that saved her from the watery grave she had lowered herself to, but she saved him, emotionally and spiritually, Elijah needed someone to make him feel somewhat human again and Lottie was the only one that made him feel it.

A breath passed through; marking the air with a temporary cloud of mist. His hand shuffled within his pocket and clutched the only thing in there.

He took her locket. Her golden locket with a faded, sepia photograph of her father and herself on one side and a newer photograph of Elijah on the other. She must have put it in before she died.

"She was a nice witch" a young, Elijah could have guessed teenage witch stood at the door, "I didn't get to meet her"

Elijah positioned himself at a stance where he could protect her coffin. He would truly risk his life for Lottie's corpse. "Please leave" he said politely "or else I'd have to resort to something deliciously gruesome"

"I'm not here to fight with you Elijah" she said in a tone so surprising, it's like she expected him to comply immediately "I'm here to offer up a deal"

"And I suppose that other witch is behind it" Elijah was so angry he couldn't even remember the name of the old witch who cursed his beloved

"No" she shook her head "her time was done when Lottie had died, though she didn't succeed, the ancestors still took her back. It's only me, Lucie"

"How can I believe you?" Elijah asked cautiously

"There's no reason for you to believe me; but you should as I'm offering the only thing you want most in the world as well as giving you answers"

A chuckle burst from Elijah's mouth "and what might that be?"

"I can bring Lottie back from the dead... Again" she shrugged "and two one way tickets away from New Orleans, away from the witches"

"So you give me back Lottie and a supernatural pass?" Elijah asked, that could actually be quite appealing

"Yes. But..." There was always a but, a catch or a price to pay In return "it's a very large spell, I need the heart of something strong"

"Strong, as in...?" Elijah urged her to continue, it came to the point he was ready to risk everything on a whim that she might be able to come back. He was obsessed.

"I've been thinking of alternatives but the only thing I could think of powerful
Enough to help me is the heart of a werewolf/vampire hybrid of original blood" she said nervously, waiting for his answer

"Niklaus?" Elijah breathed, the shock weighed down on him but it was overwhelmed by the imaginary feeling of Lottie's breath on the corner of his neck.

Before he could even comprehend the price, or weigh the consequences up "yes" it escaped his mouth too quick to even imagine "I'll do it; I'll kill Niklaus"

Lucie concealed a smile "perfect" she said "now; I don't want you going back on our deal, okay?"

Elijah nodded his head. And she pulled out of her bag a small vile, a pin, crushed herbs and a small bottle of black liquid.

Lucie quickly mixed the ingredients together and used the pin to retrieve both her blood and Elijah's. "If you are to complete this; you'll need a bit of extra strength" she offered the vile
Up to him "all of it"

Elijah's shaky hands took it and he held it to his lips. In the split second he could hear the voices inside of his mind screaming out don't be so stupid and surprisingly, he didn't listen. Why wasn't he listening?

Elijah could hear Lottie's laugh and could almost feel her in his arms, and with that he threw his head back and drank even the last drops of the dark liquid.

A rush of adrenaline flowed through his veins and settled in his stomach. Half of him wanted to throw up, the other could jump of walls and he felt like he could do anything. He was after all, invincible.

But he didn't feel like he was losing himself, his mind just focussed on the prize at the end. Lottie. He didn't even care when his eyes dilated fully, until nothing was seen in his eyes except for black.

Lucie had no intention of bringing Lottie back from the dead. When Niklaus was dead, Elijah would be weakened therefore easier to kill. The Mikaelson's will only be tales told to their children, horror stories, dark legends.

But Elijah had one set goal, and he wanted to complete it.

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now