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"These clothes are so tight" Lottie moaned, trying to breath, her legs were wrapped tightly in Rebekah's jeans that she had left behind, her new, witch body needed smaller sizes, and Rebekah's original body fit Lottie perfectly. "I though I had gotten rid of corsets, these are worse"

"It is what women wear now a days" Elijah informed her

"Well; I'll take back corsets any day" she replied

"That can be arranged" Elijah corrected her, a smirk across his face as he watched Lottie shoot him an evil glare

"No thank you" Lottie said "can you tell someone to bring the horses around? I'm ready to leave" she flicked her hair back so if fell to just above her waist

"Well..." Elijah held up a pair of keys and rattled them in front of her

"Keys?" She asked "what for?"

"You'll see" Elijah winked, he took her arm and lead her downstairs; but as soon as they got on to the landing, Lottie realised she had forgotten something

"I have forgotten something" she realised "you go down and I'll quickly fetch it" she smiled

"Okay" Elijah smiled and continued downstairs to see Hayley sat on the chair

"Elijah where the hell have you been? You've not answered any of my texts or calls" she strode toward him and argued "I've been worried"

"I've been busy" Elijah replied quickly "I've been with Lottie"

Hayley gritted her teeth; I want you to be with me she thought of saying. But that witch had ruined what they would have had in the future; and Hayley was annoyed. "I don't trust her" Hayley said instead "she comes back from the dead when the witches are rising against us"


"No Elijah, what's the odds; a witch brings another witch back and now they have an extra powerful one to use at their own disposal" Hayley explained

Elijah took her hand in his, to calm her down and shut her up for a second, just to say to her that Lottie was only upstairs.

"...Hayley" he began again to only be interrupted

"I found it!" Lottie said excitedly "I'm still not sure how such a small box can do so much..."

She looked at Elijah's hand with someone else's wrapped in.

"... Is everything okay?" She asked, a little less excitable now, a bit more serious "am I interrupting?" Her eyes were fixed on their hands intertwined

"Of course not" Elijah smiled and shook Hayley's hand from his "we were just having a small conversation"

"Okay" Lottie said Suspiciously, but she carried on and strode up to the wolf who wasn't looking very happy "I'm Lottie" she held her hand out to shake with hers

Hayley rolled her eyes and shook hands. Lottie's eyes widened as she took a few memories from Hayley's mind without her realising, not on purpose, it was just an immediate reaction.

"Elijah when you are free to talk please don't hesitate to call" she said, sarcasm dripping from her voice, she shot Lottie a glance and then turned around to disappear.

"She wasn't too bright" Lottie watched her as she left before turning around to Elijah.

Elijah chuckled at the comment and then took her hand in his and lead her to the car.

During the car journey, when Lottie had finally gotten over that a big piece of metal can actually drive you somewhere instead of horses, she thought about that girl again.

She recalled her to be the girl in her house, the one with Elijah. And then she recalled what she had seen between them when she touched her hand.

"Stop the car" Lottie blurted out loudly

Elijah glanced at her before glancing back to the road, and then back to Lottie again "are you okay?" He asked, maybe it was some sort of car sickness

"Stop the car" she repeated "please"

Elijah pulled over at the next available stop he could find, which was only a few seconds away. It was a small car park surrounded by some bushes and some grass.

"What is it?" Elijah asked, caring

"did I interrupt anything between you and that girl?" She asked, Hayley never told Lottie her name, and right now she couldn't make the link to what Elijah had told her

Elijah burst out with a bubble of laughter "of course not" he shook his head, stomach lurching a bit "we were just talking"

"No I meant, when I came back to life, did I interrupt anything between you two, because if I did then I can't be sorry enough, and I could leave you two to it" Lottie replied

"Lottie, there is nothing going on with me and Hayley" Elijah replied "you did not interrupt anything and I certainly do not want you to leave me to it"

"When I shook Hayley's hand" she began "I saw visions of you both though; I saw you kissing, you doing some really questionable things, you held hands, and I can't deny that the tension between you two is very strong; you have history and you are not telling me"

Elijah sighed "yes, we do have history, but we were never together, it was only short bursts; but me and you" he smiled and shook his head "we have more history than anyone could ever imagine, and I am so glad that you are back because you are the one for me"

Lottie smiled, relief came across her face and a weight was lifted "but if I ever get in between something; I'll honour your wishes if you tell me the truth"

"I'll never want you to leave" Elijah reassured her, his hand rested on hers and squoze gently, sending butterflies in her stomach to flutter uncontrollably "I love you"

"I love you too"

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now