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happy reading.


He was staring out into the city it must have been past midnight but he could not forget the look on her face when he told her he no longer loved her.

Adam was a man most women wanted in their beds and a man most men wanted in their companies, he held a strong jaw and had the typical blue eyed blond boy look, sun kissed skin glowing regardless the time of year.

It has been twelve years to that fateful day that he remembered walking away from her. The look in her eyes told him that he had ruined her forever. He silently offered up a prayer to gods above that when the time came, she would forgive him.

"But why, what have I done? Do you not love me anymore?" she tearfully asked.

I could not offer her any words of sympathy nor could I lead her on. I have lost the one thing that is important to me. "I'm sorry," I whispered: but by then she was long gone.

In the mean time, I have to make sure I have some one watch her back. I hope that her sleaze ball of a father will do that. After all, I will kill him if he lays a finger on her again.

Maggie was working at a coffee shop in a small little town; about eighteen hours drive from where it all happened. She was finally going to move on with her life. she was finally going to break free from the past hurt .

The memories of that day try to linger but she keeps it hidden in that memory box, where no soul is allowed to go...

forgotten but still loved...BOOK 1#WATTY'S2016)Where stories live. Discover now