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The men entered the room one by one. Adam's friend was very accommodating when he said he needed a few men for a couple of weeks to help him with his vendetta against a old pal. Alysisio didn't think twice at the request.

Adam was basking in the idea that soon he and Maggie would be re united. Yes his method going about it was insane, but he lost her once and this time he was not going to be the sore looser.

He barked out orders left, right and center. He made sure to let the men know that if they did falter at their assigned jobs, not even Alysisio would recognize the bits and pieces that were going to be left when he was done with them. A laugh was heard some where in between the men, Adam stepped out from behind his desk and then metal in his hand popped causing the joker to fall to the ground. The men evacuated the office as fast as their legs could carry them, not sparing a second glance at the lifeless body.

This was the new Adam. This is what love caused him to become. He was ruthless bastard and a proud one. He didn't give shit about no one but Maggie. Maybe the mafia will take him in as family, seeing that his own abandoned him for more power and wealth.

He had the plans laid out. He even got one of the best in the game to assist putting it into action and he was sure that in just a matter of weeks he would have her in his arm but right now he had a personal matter to take care of.

Adam pulled up into the drive way of his parent's house. Can't believe the sons of bitches wanted more money. Look at this lavish life they're living. It was sickening that he gave Maggie up for this. He couldn't understand why they needed to unite the families for more money.

Without knocking Adam swung the front door open.

"You have a visitor Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald" he all but shouted down the hallway. His mum came round the corner meeting him in the lobby.

"Son. You're here. I missed you so much. I called a couple of times but Francis said you're busy. Are you working a new deal or something? What else could be keeping you this pre occupied?"

"Yes mum I have been busy. Busy trying to kill this fucker you're living with. "adam pointed to his dad.

"Son who are you referring to?"his mother looked around confused.

"Him" Adam shouted pointing his father whom stood at the top of the staircase. With and instant Adam removed the revolver from behind his back where he kept it safely hidden.

"Son. Please don't point that thing at your father his mother screamed teary eyed.

"Father? You call that bastard a father, are fucking insane mother. What father chooses money over his son's happiness?"Adam screamed.

Adams mother flinched at the harsh words but she knew some day this was coming, she just prayed that somehow it would never happen; she always told Richard he was taking it too far. Richard would laugh at her, trying to reason but in the back of her mind she knew Adam would snap someday. And that someday has just arrived.

"Let him be honey bun. Let him shoot me. His not man enough to shoot his own father besides he couldn't even if he had the balls. I gave him what he has today. I raised him to be strong and loyal and this is how he wanted to repay me then fine. I can always remove him from my will."

"You think I give a fuck about your money" Adam spat at his father.

"I build this company to what is today. I married that god awful bitch of a woman for the money. So I don't give two fucks about your money I've got my own. You can take your fucking money with you to your fucking grave and may you rot in hell for Emma.

forgotten but still loved...BOOK 1#WATTY'S2016)Where stories live. Discover now