chapter 28

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my dear  readers.

i only realized now that you guys have not received the update as promised on Friday. the thing is i did upload it to watt pad but wattpad saved as a draft in stead of publish . how ever i do apologize for that. so guess what.........




"Sally please let me in" I cried.

"Please Sal" I whimpered.

I banged once more on the door after a few more attempts I gave up. There was no way I was going to the restaurant; I couldn't face bumping into Adam again. I just was not in the mood. I had no car and couldn't go back to the hotel everything there reminded me of these past few days.

I continued to sit on the front porch of sally's apartment. Then it struck me, maybe Adam won't be there he did say he was going to visit his mum. maybe I could just pop by and get the keys from sally. I needed that  soak in the tub and try to forget for a while. This was one of those times I hoped there was alcohol .i just wanted to sleep for a while and forget.

I walked down the street and waited at the bus stop, I didn't wait to long though until a bus arrived. After paying my fare I walked right to the back of the bus. It was going to be a good twenty minutes until we reach the coffee shop.

It was then that I realized that I am suppose to start my new job at the office. Going into work was the last thing I wanted to do. But I couldn't just stay at home and sulk, its not what Jason would want from me. I sighed and continued to watch the trees go by.

I got off the bus and before I entered the shop I peeked inside the shop, trying to see if I saw Adam. The coast was clear and I walked in and thank god it was a quite morning. I went to sit and the opposite section making sure I was out of eye line of the staff door.

Where was sally? I waited and after a few minutes she eventually came out balancing a tray with three coffees for a bunch of students on the other side of the shop. I stood up not wanting to make a sound in case Adam heard me. When I was positive she saw me, I sat back down.

"Maggs are you okay?" Cindy called we couldn't find you. Have you been to hospital yet?" Sally sat down at the table with me.

"Yes I came from there. I need the keys to your apartment. I just need to hide for a while"

"Hide? From whom?" sally looked almost afraid.

"From no-one really". i sighed.

"I just want to have a bottle of wine and a bath and then I want to get into bed and wait for sleep to consume me, so hopefully when I awake tomorrow. This would have been all a dream."

"There's no way Maggie I'm going to allow you to crumble okay. If you need all that then fine, but I am not leaving you by your self, could you wait a half hour or so till my shift finishes?"she crossed her arms across her chest as to get her seriousness across.

"Okay but I will be waiting across the road at the supermarket. I want to get a few things" I lied.

I got up and left. I ran to store across the road not looking, I nearly ran into an on coming car. The cars horn didn't even alert me I just kept on running until I reached the store.

forgotten but still loved...BOOK 1#WATTY'S2016)Where stories live. Discover now