It had three bed two baths, he told me that it had taken a while to find the right one but he thought it was perfect. I told him it was. It was furnished with a refrigerator, stove, he'd bought a new mattress and box spring but he needed an actual bed frame which I told him was no big deal. It didn't have much else, we could start moving in as soon as possible and so we stayed up and talked about it, everything we wanted to do what color drapes and rugs.
But then...
we kissed.
Sparks flew like they had never done before, I felt different about Nat. Good different. I felt happier than I had ever been. And he asked me to marry him.
"What?"I gasped.
"I don't want to live without you Noelle, I love you, I love August I've been there from the beginning and I would have never thought my life would speed up to me so fast but I don't care. I love this life we have, I want to live the rest of my life with you. I want to get married and have more kids in the future, I want this kind of normal that me and you have and nothing else." Wow, it was the only thing I could think. It was so fast, we hadn't even been together a year. I didn't know what to say. I just looked at him with my mouth open.
"Really?"I asked.
"Yes." Really? I wanted to say again.
"It's just so soon..."I bit my lip and pushed a strand of hair back. "I'm just getting used to being a mom. I mean of course I want to marry you but does it have to be so soon?" I held in my breath.
"We can wait to have a wedding later, this is just the promise that it will happen. So, will you... Noelle Charlotte Pierce, marry me? Eventually?"he laughed.
"Yes, yes I will." the ring was small but it was everything I could have asked for. I didn't need a flashy ring, I just needed him. I mean I'm not going to lie, I loved the ring, it wasn't big but it wasn't a speck either. It was decent and I loved it. He slipped it on my finger. A side piece of hair kept falling in my face, he put it behind my ear and I looked into his eyes. They were so deep and brown, I just wanted to melt in them. We kissed softly. Passionately. I wished there were covers to hide myself with when it came time but it didn't matter, nothing did. Except us. He didn't care that I wasn't the skinniness, or the prettiest girl, but I was both of those things to him and I didn't even realize it. That should have been the happiest weekend of my life...

Skinny Love
Teen Fiction'A teenage girl comes face to face with her past and must deal with its consequences.' Ella got pregnant at seventeen, by her best friend but he doesn't know about it. Instead of telling him she changed schools and took on a new life where no one kn...