Chapter 23

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It's been about a week and a half since I'd been to work, since I didn't technically work for my dad and I was only helping out it wasn't much of a big deal. For him anyways. I felt horrible, again. It was like I was back in that first month or so when I couldn't even keep anything down. But it was a little different now. I'd switch from the bed to the pull out couch, to eating toast or nothing at all, I felt sick all the time and depressed and I couldn't do much at all. When Nat got home from work we'd barely speak because I never had the energy to.  

Today was the weekend and I only knew because Nat was off and he was chirpy. Nat always smiled and I never really saw him cry or be sad, just normal. 

"Come on," he'd woken me up, or he'd thought he had. I'd just been lying there with my eyes closed unable to sleep. He helped me up and my limbs felt heavy and weak. I'd never had a break down like the one I'd had that week but then again I'd never been pregnant before either. He helped me to the bedroom and I sat on the bed, feeling tired. I had felt that way for a week now. 

"if you refuse to see a doctor I'm taking it in my own hands to make you feel better. Is this okay?" he holds up some jeans and a shirt. I shake my head. 

"Can't wear them anymore," I pause "too small." I go limp and lay down.

"Right..." he says and turns around to me "No," he walks over and turns the lamp on as well. "I'm taking you out somewhere, whether you like it or not." I sit up. "How about this?" he holds up my graduation dress. I take it from him and set it on the bed. 

"Where?" I ask in a bored tone. My eyes feel heavy. 

"It's a surprise, now what kind of shoes do you want to wear?"


"You have to wear something." 

"Flip flops then." he hands me a strappy pair of sandals. I sigh, I'll take them off anyway.

"Now lets see about your hair." He pulls me into the bathroom. "Sit." he commands and I sit on the toilet seat cover. He starts brushing my hair and I suddenly wonder why he would do this for me. I guess I give him a strange look and he notices it.


"You're brushing my hair..."

"Well do you want to do it?" he holds out the brush.

"Not really."

"Okay then." and he continues brushing.

Once my hair is untangled and tied in a ponytail he hands me my dress and leaves to get a drink from the kitchen. I undress and wonder why I'm actually putting real clothes on. It just seemed like too much of an effort. I look at myself in the mirror as I pull the soft fabric up. I stare at a person in the mirror that looks like me but I can't comprehend that it is. My face is getting chubby and my boobs are huge and sore, My arms look almost like dough now. I sit back down and shove my feet into my sandals, just as Nat walks back in. 

"Where are we going?" I ask "Like do I need to put effort in and wear makeup."I say kind of annoyed.

"I don't think you ever need makeup." he says.

"I'm putting on make up then." I say opening the drawer and grabbing a eyeliner pencil and concealer. I dab concealer all over and set it with powder then run a thin line of eyeliner and a quick swipe of brown shadow. I wasn't up for much effort in my looks today. I get up and give him a hug. 

"I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me. But thanks for putting up with it." we walk to the car and are off on our way.

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