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   The awkward silence filled the car which was mostly my fault. Nash just watched out the window and blasted his music in his ears. Cameron and Angie talked about what would happen if they had a boy or girl. I couldn't really understand how they were always so happy. Cameron always made the best of everything. And Angie, well, She always sees the best in people which is a blessing and a curse. 

     My phone started buzzing in my pocket. It was Kaleigh. 

Kaleigh- When are you coming back??

    Her text shocked me. In all honesty I haven't really thought about coming back. I just thought I would stay in the cabin for a while. I mean, what am I going to tell my school. I don't even have a place to live anymore. Plus, I don't know, Its really nice out here. I would still go to school. Just online. I only have 1 more year. I didn't even know what to tell her. 

me- i dont know. 

   I turned my phone off so didn't have to answer her questions. I know we haven't talked in a while I don't need her grilling me about why I'm not coming home. But I guess I'll just give her a call when I get home. 


2 hours later we're back in the car. Cameron and Angie have smiles on their faces as they jump in. Angie cried when she heard her baby was healthy. They'd have to be back in 3 weeks to find out the sex of the baby. 

  "Have you guys even thought of any names for the baby?" I ask. Angie and Cameron both look at each other. They really haven't thought this through. Cameron just shifts awkwardly in his seat and Angie grips the steering wheel. 

  "Um... not yet but we will in time. I want to know if its a boy and a girl first in all honesty." Angie smiles at Cameron for saving them. i just giggle at them and put my earphones in. And without warning sleep takes over me. 


  "Acacia.  Wake up." I slowly open my eyes and try to move my neck, wincing in pain. I slept they wrong way. Again. Nash is staring at me, waiting for me to get out of the car. I slide out of the back seat and onto the ground. My legs wobble a little bit from being in a weird position and Nash grabs my arm so I don't fall over. 

  "Thanks." I gently pull my arm back and start towards the house.

 "Wait Acacia can I talk to you really fast. In private." Nash waves me towards the lake. In the 2 months I've been here I've not once been there. I follow him to pier. He sits on the end and stares out in the distance. I take my shoes off and sit next to him. 

  "I over reacted. I shouldn't have acted the way I did and I'm sorry. I was suppose the be your friend not your jealous boyfriend.  I got so caught up with you I let my feelings cloud what was really going on." He didn't look at me, he watched his feet make ripples in the water. 

 "I don't blame you. I led you on and I shouldn't have done that. Most of this my fault. But hey, when isn't it." We both laugh. 

 "There's only one thing I want from you." He finally looks me in the eyes and it takes my breath away. He's so beautiful. Those eyes are so blue it hurts. Those lips are so plump all I want to do is kiss them. Those little angel kisses that cover his neck and his chest are so cute I want to touch all of them. I can't help but stare at him. 

 "And what is that?" I finally choke out. He smirks at me and I fell like my arms are going to give out. 

 "I want one last kiss." 

 "Nash I..." And before I cant even say anything his lips touched mine. everything starts to fade and its just my and Nash's lips. I don't know what to do but I kiss him back. He pulls my neck closer to deepen the kiss. I grab onto his hair and run my fingers though it. I feel his hands start to go up my shirt but I can't bring myself to stop him. He caresses my back then my stomach. I move off his lips and kiss his neck. I hear him moan and he grabs my shirt. I pull back and kiss him again. The sound of the pier squeaking brings me back to reality.  I look up and stare into Taylor's eyes. He had a blanket and a bag full of stuff in his arms. My chest heaves and I suddenly can't breathe. He just looks at me. No emotion. 

 "Taylor I'm so..." 

 "Save it for someone who want to hear it Acacia." He walks off the pier and goes to the house. A tear finally escapes and I feel my chest tear itself apart. 

 "I'm sorry. I had no idea." Nash says as he gets up. I just ran. I ran to the house and ran to my room. Taylor was in there with his suitcase on the bed. All his drawers were open and empty. His brush and all his cologne was of the dresser and his nightstand was empty too. 

  "What are you doing? Where are you going?" I ask and grab his arm. He pulls away from me. 

  "Home. I cant be here anymore." He pushes past me. I follow him down the stairs and to the car. 

 "Taylor please don't leave me. I can fix this. Just please don't leave me. Ill do anything. Please Taylor don't fucking leave me don't do this to me." I yelled at him as he started the car. He got out of the car and walked up to me. 

"Don't follow me. Don't try to contact me. I want nothing to do with you Acacia. Absolutely nothing." 

"You don't mean that." I choke out. His words stab me repeatedly stab me in the stomach. 

"I do. Goodbye." A tear escapes his eye but he quickly wipes it away. He gets in the car and starts to drive away. I fall to my knees as the dust settles and his car disappears. 


okay. so I'm going to start another book to this. I will give me a chance to think of new things because that was the whole reason i wasnt writing anything. but i will get it up in the next few days. Happy thanksgiving everyone.

qotu- pumpkin pie or apple pie?


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