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I held a hot curl of kaleigh's hair. Maybe 5 more minutes and ill be done with her hair. I looked at the time. 5:14. We had a half an hour.

"Kiara! Hurry up!" I curled the last part of Kaleigh's hair. "Do you like it?" I asked her.

"It looks great. Now move so I can go get my clothes on." She moved past me and went to her suitcase. when she's nervous she gets in a really bad mood. I would be nervous to if I was her to. Going to meet this guy you have never met in person before and he was your boyfriend. You never know what can happen. He could be a 50 year old man or a girl.

"Acacia! Will you hurry your ass up. We have 15 minutes. Once you get dressed when can go." I gave her a look and went to my closet. I end up picking some black skinny jeans and a cropped shirt the said nerd.

"Ready?" I ask kaleigh. She nodded. We went down the stairs and I grabbed the keys. I could tell Kaleigh was nervous cause I could see her hands shaking at her her sides so I pull her aside.

"You alright? You look like your gonna puke." I looked at her.

"What if he's fake? What if he doesn't like me?" She said worriedly.

"You have to take risks sometimes and there is no way out of it." I gave her a reassuring smile and hugged her. She hugged me back.

"Ok no more chick flick moments. I can't take it anymore. I'll be in the car." She pushed me back and went out the door. I knew the moment wouldn't last.

I shrugged and walked out of the door with Kiara. As I walked to the car I see Kaleigh smiling at the glowing screen of her phone.

"What are you are smiling at?" I ask as I climb in the front seat. She didn't even look up at me when she answered me.

"Connor just sent me a picture." She laughed again then put her phone away. I flipped on the radio An turned it up really loud. Music all ways helped with my nerves so maybe they'll help her too. I could hear her shifting a moving in the back of the car.

"Hey acacia," I turned down the radio, "His friends are going to be there so do you think you could hang with them so me and Connor can be alone maybe?" She looked at me with her hopeful green eyes. I quickly looked over at kaleigh who shrugged.

"I guess." She smiled and mouthed a thank you. I just shrugged. She is so luck that I love her.


We pulled in to the mall parking lot and parked the closest to mall entrance. I turned the car and just sat there for a couple of seconds. I turned around to look at Kaleigh. She didn't look as scared as she was before.

We all climbed out of the car. As we started to walk up, Kaleigh's phone vibrated. She pulled it really quick and put back in her pocket.

"He wants to meet in the food court near taco bell." I nodded and we headed inside. Luckily the entranced we packed near was the right next to the food court because I really wasn't in the mood to walk a long distance. Right when I walked in I saw taco bell. I tugged on Kaleigh and pointed towards it. She jumped up and got all excited and we started walking towards it.

We weaved though all the tables and chairs and people. All of us stood by the Taco bell and waited. Then I heard Kaleigh scream. I turned around quickly.

"Kaleigh whats-" I see her run into a guys arms. It was like in the movies where they spin around together and kiss and stuff. Really not my thing. I watched them. From what I could see the guy was really cute. pretty eyes, tall kinda, dirty blonde. Claps for Kaleigh.

I looked over at Kiara who was standing by herself. I walked over to her.

"wanna get something to eat?" She nodded and we went into the line. Luckily there weren't that many people in line. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around.

"Woah. What happened to your hair." Sam asked me. He looked at me up and down.

"Just needed a change." He shrugged and jumped into line with us. Kiara turns around and goes wide eyed when she sees sam. She pulled me next to her.

"Whos your friend?" She sneaks a look at him again.

"Sam. He's just a friend from school. Nothing special." She laughed at me.

"You have no idea who he is do you?" She looked at me and laughed again.

"Who is he? What is so special about sam?" I turned around to look at him to see him standing right behind us. I did a little wave and turned back around quickly.

"That's Sam Pottorff. He's a guy in o2l." I looked at her, confused.

" what's o2l?"

"Its a YouTube channel. Basically 6 guys all live together I think and the make funny videos and do random stuff. My favorite is Kian. He is soo hot. He's like my inspiration

I tensed when she mentioned Kian. I haven't thought about what happened since the girls got here. Now I know I can't tell them what happened. That would ruin Kiara.

Sam tapped on my shoulder again. " Are you guys done talking? Cause I really want to eat. And so does my friend." I looked at sam really closely. He did look really familiar. After a few seconds I snapped out of it.

"Yeah. Sorry." We moved up in the line. I let sam order first since I made him wait. I ended up ordering a 6 pack of the regular tacos. I'm super hungry.

We all sat down at the table Connor and Kiara were sitting at. The sat hand in hand talking and laughing. I remember when I had a realationship then he tried to kill me.


Hey guys!! I updated finally. I need to what day I should update. Tell me what day I should in the comments. There will be a part 2 coming I guess what ever day gets commented the most. Yeah. So hope you like this chapter. And inbox me people. I want to know your opinions and how I can make this story better and to just talk to people I guess so yeah inbox me.

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