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~ Taylor's P.O.V.~

I climbed into the car with Acacia. I ended up just getting some stitches. But I was one crutches for the next week. I really don't mind. It was for her anyways. I know I just met her but I really like her. I watched Acacia watch the road. Her hair was already starting to fad back to blonde. I liked it when it was blonde. She looked more... innocent. More nice I guess. I mean she beautiful still but... I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore. I guess I'm still alittle bit out of it.

"Do you want me to take you back to your place or do you want to go somewhere else. LIke a friends house? Which I prefer." Acacia asked me but kept her eyes on the road.

"Why would I want to go to a friends house? Is my house not safe or something? You need to tell me whats going on because I am totally lost. "

"I'll explain later. Call one of your friends and ask if you could stay a couple nights."

"What about you? Where you going to go? You can't go back to your house." I asked her; concerned.

"I don't know." She looked down at the steering wheel. "I'll find somewhere to go."

"No. Your going with me. Your not going anywhere without me. You understand me? I don't want you hurt." I told her and looked at her straight in the eyes. She nodded at me and looked at the road ahead. I could tell she was thinking. I didn't want to interrupt her so I went ahead and called sam.

He didn't pick so I called the one other person I could trust. Cameron. He picked up on the second ring.

"What's up TayTay?" His usual answer to my calls. I can always to make me feel better.

"Do you think I could stay at your house for a couple days? Dad's having another episode." Cameron and I both know what that means. Ever since my mom left us, he's been out of control. Drinking, going out all the time, Bringing home girls and other people, basically leaving me to fend for myself since I was 12. But sometimes he has what my friends and I call an episode. Its when he just beats the living shit out of me. He does all the time but this is when its really bad.

"Yeah. Angie's over though. Is that fine?"

"Yeah 'cause I have Ac-Angelina with me." I almost forgot that nobody but me knows that her name isn't Angelina.

"Two words Taytay. Get some. I'll see you when you get here." He said then hung up. I just laughed and put my phone back in my pocket.

Acacia was still deep in thought. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her were intense. I'd never seen her so serious. I wanted to know so bad what she was thinking so intensely. I wanted to understand her. Know why she is the way she is. Why she's so guarded. So far away. I just want to get know her. I want her let me in. To help her get

"Where are we going?" She finally said. It made me jump and stop my train of thought.

"We're going to my friend Cameron's. His girlfriend's over so you have someone to hang out with and talk about girly stuff with." Yep. Can't get anymore awkward then that. Smooth Taylor. She snickered then went all serious again.

"Show me to his house so we can hurry up and get there. I'm tired."


"Here we are." We parked in front of Cameron's apartment. His mom and dad kicked him out last year because he came home drunk one night. And it wasn't his first time either. But ever since he's met Angie he's been different. He hasn't drank or smoked or anything. I thank Angie for that everyday. She saved his life.

I climbed out of the car, limped my way to the trunk, and grabbed my crutches. I already knew Cameron and Angie were gonna make fun of me for my scrubs. I just can't wait for them to laugh in my face. Not.

Acacia and I walked up the gravel walk way. Luckily, Cameron's apartment was on the first floor. I guided Acacia to Cameron's door. She knocked and we waited. The door came flying open.

"Taytay!" Cameron yelled and bear hugged me. His knee was touching my stitches which sent pain up my leg. I grunted and pushed him off me.

"What happened?" He asked looking at my crutches and shrubs.

"I accidentally stabbed myself. I'm fine. Can we come in now?" I smiled and rested on the wall.

"Yeah. Angie! Come meet Taylor's friend." Acacia let me go in first. His apartment was actually really clean. There were a couple cups and plates on the table in the living room but that was it.

Before I could even say hi to Angie I laid down on the couch and fell asleep.


~Acacia's P.O.V.~

I walked into Taylor's friends apartment. It was nice. Comfortable. Taylor collapsed on the living room couch and fell asleep. I could hear him softly snore. I have never seen anyone go to sleep that fast. I wouldn't blame him though. It's been a long day. But I didn't feel as tired as I did before.

"Angelina right?"

I turned around to see a girl with black hair and pretty brown eyes. She smiled at me.

"Yeah you must be Cameron's girlfriend."

"Yep that's me. My name's Angie by the way. You can sleep in the guest room. And I think I have some clothes that will fit you. Come." I followed her down a hallway to a bed room. There was just a simple white bed with a black bed spread, A black dresser, and night stand, a Tv, and a big MIRROR on the wall.

"Sorry it isn't much." She said and sat on the bed.

"No it's perfect. We're only staying a few nights." I dropped my hoodie on the bed. Angie patted the spot next to her so I sat down.

"Why can't you go back to your place?"

"Family problems." I'm a terrible liar. I'm pretty sure she caught that I wasn't being entirely truthful but either she could tell that I didn't want to talk about it or she didn't really care because all she was ok and dropped it.

"What about you and Taylor? What's up with you guys?"

"I don't really know." That wasn't a lie.

"Well, do you like him?" She asked me while she quickly shut the door then sat down again.

"To be honest. I do. A lot. I know I've only known him a couple days, but I feel like I've known him longer you know?"

"Well let me warn you now. There's something about Taylor that is very rare for a guy his age. He will do anything to protect the ones he cares about. Anything. He almost never thinks about himself. He would jump in front of a bullet to keep the ones he love alive. He has been hurt so many times. Many people take him for granted because of it. It hurts me every time he gets hurt. Don't hurt him like every else in his life. Please." That's when I realized it. I have to leave. I have to leave him out of this. Maybe if I tell him why I have to leave he'll understand.

"I won't. That why I'm leaving. I need to talk to Taylor." I got up and left the room. I Went into the living room and saw that Taylor

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