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We jumped out of the car. The lake actually looked really nice today. The sun was shining down. I could already see one of the boys making a fire by the lake side.

"Aye Taylor? who's the girl?" my buddy Kian asked. He eyed her up and down and winked at her. He was known for I guess for I guess you could saw "messing around" and "harassing" girls. He was actually in jail for it once but got bailed out cause his parents are rich. He's already out of high school.

"Kian this Angelina. She new to the school. Just thought it would be nice bring her along." He looked at me for a second then moved out of my way.

"He seems nice."

"He can be nice when he wants to be."

We moved along and started heading toward the fire. Most of the people we're already sitting on the logs trying to get warm. Angelina looks super scared and nervous. I could feel her hands shake on my arm.

"Angel, calm down. They're not gonna bite." I looked down at her. I smiled to reassure her. She smiled back and her hands mostly stop shaking.

People stared at us as we made it to our own log. Angel sat down in silence and stared at the blazing fire. I didn't know what to say to her. She didn't look sad or scared anymore. Her expression was blank. No feeling.

I wanted to go and just hug her but instead I got up and went to find Sam. I felt kinda bad for leaving her there but I think she can take care of herself. I think.

I already knew where he would be. Stero cliff. I have no idea how its got its name. Its pretty big though. 50 foot drop down to the lake. It's pretty scary if you ask me. I've been going here since I was a little kid. But I've never jumped off.

Sam sat on the edge of it looking down. He was lost in thought. Ever since his dad died I've seen him like this more often. I'm starting to get scared for him.

"Hey buddy. What's going on?" I sat by the edge with him. He shook himself out of the trance as soon as heard me.

"Nothin just thinking."

"why aren't you with everyone? We're waiting for you."

"I know. I just wanted some time alone." He stared down at the water.

"Dude. I've been giving you time alone for 2 months. I know it must be hard I know. But he would want you to be happy. Be old Sam again. The one who use to drink every fucking beer I had. And didn't give a shit about anything. I miss him."

Sam just looked at me and then hung his head low. He blames himself every day for his dad's death. I've tried to help him. But he doesn't listen to me. No matter how hard I tried.


I ran up to Sam's front door. I didn't even bother knocking. Sam's mom was in a crying heap on the floor in the living room. She was like a second mother to me. But that's not what mattered. right now. I'll come to comfort her later. I ran up the stairs to Sam's room.

I twisted the door nob. I really didn't know what to expect. I guess you could say Sam was unpredictable when he's like this. I walked in slowly and just saw Sam on the floor. I wanted to cry. I'm usually not this big a softy but seeing your best friend, brother basically, just crying on the floor, just really hurts.

"Sam?" I stepped towards him.

"It's all my fault Taylor. All my fault. If I wasn't such a fucking dick to him, He would still be alive! Because of me he's dead! The only thing that makes my mom fucking happy, and of course I fucking ruin it. I'm a fuck up. I ruin everything. Its all my fault! God dammit!"

That's when he broke. and slammed against the wall, leaving a hole, then he just crumpled. Fell to the floor and just cried. I tried to so hard not to cry, but I ended up doing it. I just stared at him as he cried. I let a few tears fall before I picked up Sam and put him on his bed. He finally stopped screaming after a few hours. I ended up staying at him house for about 2 weeks.


The memory burned in the back of my mind. It hurt every time i think about it. His dad was like the one I never had.

"Fine. Come on lets go." He got up swiftly and started walking towards the pit. I got up fast and went with him.

We both walked in silence until we got there. I really didn't know what to say to him. People didn't even notice us at first until some girl pointed us out. People crowded me, asking about the game and what happened with Monica. I really didn't even want to think about her or the game. She cheated on me so what do I care? I never really liked her anyway. She just aggravated me. I don't even know why I went out with her. I guess I was desperate at time? I don't know.

Sam and me made our way to our log and got some beer. Then I remembered right as I sat down and started drinking my beer. Where is Angelina? And where is Kian?

I looked around the tree logs desperately. I couldn't find them anywhere.

no no no no. This can not be happening, was all I could think.


herro there. Hope you like it. Kinda short i know. CLIFF HANGER!! I have really bad writers block right now. It took me 5 hours to write this. pathetic. I need to step up my game alittle. I already have alot of reads which is really surprising cause I'm not very good. haha. Vote and comment what you think so far and what i can improve on. Well bye my lovelys love you lots hehe! xoxo

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