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~Acacia's P.O.V.~

"There you are. Everyone is looking for you. Come on we have to go." She tried to grab my hand but I pulled away before she even touched me.

"What's wrong?" She asked me.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." I told her and tried to slam the door but her foot was in the way. Kiara walked inside. I looked around for Taylor but he wasn't there.

"Acacia what' wrong? Did I do something wrong?" She asked me. There was sincerity in her voice. If I didn't know about her I would have believed it to.

"Nathan told me to tell you that you should pick up the phone more often. You want to tell me what that's about?" I tried to be tough but my voice kept cracking and shaking. Kiara smiled at me.

"Haha. About that. I told him where you are. I'm in love with Acacia. You just don't understand. And I know he's in love with me too. He told me that if I tell him where we are he'll make a life for him and I." Her eyes were full of love.

"He doesn't love you Kiara. He's using you. Don't you see that? All he wants is to get close to you so he could find me and then when he's done with you he'll through you away. And now, because of you stupidity, I'm going to die." I told her. Anger boiled up inside of me. Not just at her but at Nathan. We use to be best friends. Since we were 5. Even though I moved a lot, we still kept in touch. Now, we hate each other.

"He does love me. Your lying. It's always about you isn't it?" She whips a knife from her pocket. "I'm so sick of it always being it about you. Maybe if I just kill you it will finally be about me... "

She raised the knife and aimed it my chest. Then she pushed down.

Many people say your life flashes before your eyes when your about to die. Except it didn't. I closed my eyes and waited for it. It the pain. Except it didn't. I finally worked up the nerve to open one eye. Laura was no longer in front of me. The was no knife. Was I dead already? Well that was quick.

Then I looked to the side to see Taylor on the ground with a knife in his leg and crying. But Kiara was gone.


~Taylor's P.O.V.~

I walked out of the bathroom. I used to towel to dry my hair. I hope Acacia doesn't mind that I left. I went into my room and grabbed some shorts from my dresser drawer. I didn't really bother with putting on a shirt. It doesn't really matter anyways.

I heard a crash then someone yelling. I rushed out of my room. My hair dripped down my shoulders and the water left tracks on rhe floor of my footprint. I whipped around the corner and see Acacia on the floor and a girl holding a knife above her. About to stab her.

Something inside me snapped. A fire erupted in my chest and it burned all through out my body.

"No!" I yelled and saved at the girl. We both landed hard on the ground. I hit harder than her though which slowed me down a little bit. Acaica still sat there but I didn't see any blood, meaning she was OK.

That's when I felt the knife in my leg. I screamed out in pain. I looked up again and to see the girl who was just a second ago on the floor with me gone only to leave the faint sound of a motercyle from outside the door.

~Acacia's P.O.V.~

"Taylor!" I yelled and ran over to him. I took one look at him leg and wanted to cry. This all my fault.

"I'm so sorry Taylor. I should have never gotten you into this. I'm so sorry." I told him.

"Acacia. Its fine. I'll be ok. Can you do a favor please?" He said and took my hand in his.

"Of course."

"Call an ambulance? Cause my leg kinda really hurts." He said and chuckled.

I took the phone and quickly call an ambulance. I didn't take long for them to get here. When they got here, I grabbed the movies and candy from the counter. I knew we were going to be there for a long time. And I wasn't going to leave Taylor alone either because I'm pretty sure Nathan will find where he is and kill him. Taylor's all I have right now. So I need to protect him. And I should probably tell him what's going on when we leave the hospital. Yeah.

The ride to the hospital and to get in a room took all of 30 minutes. Luckily, they gave us a room with a DVD player.

"Thank you Taylor. For saving me."

"Anything for you Acacia."

We both drifted off the sleep.


Hope you like this chapter. I cried alittle bit tbh. I love all of you and thank you for reading my book love you bye

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