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"What's going on out here?" My mom looked at me dead in the eye then Taylor.

"Uhh... nothing.We were just saying goodbye." I pushed him away from me.

"We'll talk later angel." Taylor said before pacing to his car.

Once he drove away my mom looked at me.

"Inside. Now." She pointed inside. I winced alittle. I'm in trouble.

"Who the hell was that? Haven't you learned to stay away from boys after what happened with Nathan? Why do you act so stupid acacia? Don't you already have enough scars?" She lifted up my shirt to show the scar that ran along my stomach.

"Stop." I yanked my shirt down. ,"He was no one just a boy I met from school. Nothing you need to worry about." Before she could say anything, I ran up the stairs to my room. There on my bed sat Kiara and Kaleigh.

"You ok? Did she mention the scars again?" Kiara asked me. I nodded and fell on my bed.

"Why did he have to hurt me? Nathan ruined my life. All because I broke up with him."

"I know. He's an ass for that. But you can't keep letting what happened rule your life."

"It's not me who keeps bringing it up. Its my mom. I'm trying to forget what happened."

"How can you forget getting burn and cut?" Kaleigh asked. I winced at the memory. Kiara hit her across the chest.

"Damn what was that for? I'm just being truthful."

"Sometimes you need to keep your mouth shut." Kiara said then turned to me.

"Did Taylor try anything?"

"Kinda. he knows Angelina isn't my real name. He tried to kiss me though but mom kinda ruined the moment."

I snickered when I remembered the look on Taylor's face when she walked out.

"Wow. Lets drop that subject for now. Kaleigh. How did it go with Connor?"

We both smiled at Kaleigh.

"It was awesome. He was so sweet and funny. He's just... perfect." She had that dreamy look in her eyes.

"What happened to kaleigh?" I looked over at Kiara.

"I don't know I think we left he behind."

"Y'all shut up. y'all are so fucking annoying sometimes. If you'll excuse me I'm going to change into some pajamas." She got up, grabbed some clothes from her suit case, and disappeared into the bathroom.

"She is soo in love." Kiara and I laughed and went back to talking about life

I laid in bed thinking about all that had happened today. Mostly Taylor. He knows about me. I really don't know what I think about him. My heart tells me I should go with him but my head says to stay away. And I don't know which one to listen to.

I kinda like him. He's nice but a little bit of a troublemaker. And I think he made it nice and clear he likes me. I just don't know if I should like him. I can't get caught up with guys for a while. Especially Taylor. There's something about him that makes me want him so bad but at the same time stay far away from him. But who knows? Maybe I'm just over reacting and he's just a normal guy.

"Acacia? Are you sleeping?"


"No your not." Kiara whispered.

"Well I'm going to sleep right now. Goodnight."

"Night." I heard her body shift in the bed and her breathe softly.

I really did want to go to sleep. I just couldn't. I'm so happy there isn't school tomorrow.

I closed my eyes and listened to kaleigh softly snore and the leaves from the trees outside brush against my window. Then I finally drifted off to sleep.

"Acacia." I hear my name called. I didn't want to open my eyes though.

"Acacia." I hear my name again. I open my eye a little then closed them again. I really didn't want to get up.

"Acacia!" this time I open my eyes and sit up.

"Thank god. I thought you were dead." there sat at the end if my bed Nathan.

I wanted to scream but I couldn't. This can't be happening.

"Oh sweetheart are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost." He chuckled at himself.

"What the hell are you doing here. this isn't even possible I... I... Pushed you off that cliff..." The tears ran down my face.

He laughed again. "Honey, did you really think you could get rid of me that easy?"

That's when I screamed.

"Acacia wake up! its just a dream." I stopped screaming. I felt arms around me and I held on to them.

"He's coming back... he's gonna come back... I know it..."

"He's not coming back acacia. He's gone." I laid back. Then looked into Kaleigh's eyes. She looked tired and from the looks of it, it was still dark outside.

"I'm sorry. Go back to sleep." I said to her.

"I know I am. you need to stop worrying." I watched kaleigh climb back into bed and drift back to sleep. I didn't go back to sleep. I was to afraid. So I laid awake until I saw light outside.


Hi guys. not a very long chapter. I know. I've been super busy. but at least I updated. I think the next chaper should be in taylor p.o.v. what do you guys think? anyways hope you like it. enjoy!! love ya byeee!

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