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~Acacia's P.O.V.~

As soon I closed the door I crumbled. I cried hard all the way to the car. I looked in the rearview mirror at my reflection. I was a mess. I didn't really care though. I put the car in reverse and drove out of the parking lot. I sped down the street. I didn't even know where I was going. All I knew was that I had to get away.

I stopped at the first stop light. I turned the radio on and blasted the music. It was one the songs that m and Taylor sang together on the way to my house. No matter how loud I put the music it couldn't block out the song of Taylor's voice echoing in my head. Do I really want this?

Do I really want to leave Taylor? Then I realized I needed to go back. I know I'm putting Taylor in danger but I need him. He's all I have and I don't want to do all of this by myself. I can't.

I whipped around and headed back. I didn't even know how I was going to apologize to him let alone talk to him. What if he doesn't even want to look at me? What if he hates me? I guess I'll jut have to take my chances here because there is no going back now. This is a one way road. Literally.

I pulled into the parking lot and parked right way. I have never run so fast as I ran to get to Cameron's door. I panted and tried to catch my breath before I knocked. Nobody answer so I just decided to pound no the door for awhile.

Finally, I heard the door unlock. Cameron opened then breathed a sigh.

"I thought you were going to kill me. Dang girl next time Just knock a few times. You don't have to bang down the door." Cameron chuckled at his own joke.

"Where's Taylor?" I said quickly.

"He looked himself in the bathroom. Angie trying to get him to come out but he won't budge." I pushed past him.

"Where's the bathroom?" He showed me the way. I could hear Angie begging Taylor to come out and Taylor yell something I couldn't quite catch. As soon as Angie saw me got off her knees and ran to me.

"Oh thank god your back. You need to get Taylor out of the bathroom. He won't come out." I sighed and went next to the door.


"Acacia? You're back? What did you forget something?" I winced at the comment and how mad he sounded.

"No. I realized that I can't go everything by myself and that I need you more than I thought I did."

"Oh then why did you leave?" I could hear his foot steps come closer to the door.

"I didn't want you to get hurt." I turned the knob of the door which he onviously unlocked.

Taylor say on the tub staring at the floor. He looked up at me and I could still see the paths the years left on his cheeks.

"Taylor. I'm sorry. I know that an apology isn't going to be enough but I promise I'll make it up to you. " I walked over to him and hugged him. He got up and pulled me into his chest.

"Don't ever do that again. Next time if it ever happens again I will chase you out that door crutches or no crutches." I knew from his voice her was completely serious.

"It's not going to happen again. I promise." I pulled away from him.

"Can we get out of this bathroom please? I hate bathrooms." I nodded and we went into the living room. Cameron and Angie weren't outside the door so I was pretty sure they were in bed.

"Taylor you know they gave us our own room right?" I asked him picking up my coat from the floor.

"Oh. Then lets go in there because II'm pretty sure that ugly ass couch can't fix both of us." I held in a giggle and showed him to the bedroom. I didn't even bother to true the lights off I just climbed into to bed and A little bit after that so did Taylor.

"Acacia?" he asked while he was getting comfortable.

"Yes Taylor?"

"Tomorrow you have to explain everything to me. I need to know what's going on. Please."

"Ok Taylor I promise I'll tell you as long as you let me sleep. I am super tired."

"Ok fine. Goodnight Acacia."

"Goodnight Taylor." And quickly after that I drifted off into a deep sleep.


Hi guys! I updated as you can see. Sorry it took me so long I procrastinated a lot. And I've been busy. Yep. So I hope you like this chapter byeeeeeeeee oh and I love you each and everyone of you. ok now byeeeeeeeeeee

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