Chapter 1: Intro

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"Get up!" Yelled my twin, Josh, in my ear.

"Nooooooooooo." I mumbled in my sleepy state.
Josh kept poking me. ."Kayyyyyyy!"
"Get out muggle" I replied.
"Are you gonna get up?" He asked.
"If you leave". I stated.
"Okay. Buuut.. You should get up."
"Why?" I questioned.
"School starts in an hour". He replied nonchalantly.
"What?! Why didn't you wake me up?!"
"I tried!"
"Just get out so I can get ready please!"
"Okay." Josh replied strutting out of the room.


Gosh darn it! How could Josh wake me up so late!? I thought. I straightened  my long black locks until it was flatly resting above my butt.

Put on my foundation, eyeliner, fake lashes and mascara.

Then, I buttoned up my red plaid flannel, leaving the three first buttons undone . Slipping on my dark blue skinny jeans and putting my black and white tuque/beanie  on my straight hair and grabbing my black purse with my homework, placing it on my slender shoulder.

I checked the time on my iPhone 6, which read, 8:25.

Perfect! I still have time to get to school and get to my locker! I thought.

"You need a ride, Kay?" Josh requested.

"I'm good, thanks though, JJ" I answered. "I'm gonna take my car."

"Alright, but be safe! Don't speed, turn on your blinker when switching lanes, slow down at yellow lights, stop at red ones!" He rambled.

"I know! I know!" "Calm down drama queen"  I muttered the last part under my breath.

"See you at school!" I shouted running out the door.

I rushed down the driveway to my white Lexus.

I hopped into Lucy, (my Lexus) and sped off to school.


Oh dear.. I thought pulling up to hell (high school)

Deep breaths Kaylah.. In.Out.In.Out.In.Out. I repeated to myself in my head. I finally got my heart rate down and pulled my beanie farther on my head. I stepped out of my perfect car and walked into Northwell High with my head down and my stomach in knots.

I was silently praying that I won't be noticed today during the quick journey to my locker.

I did the combination for my locker and checked my schedule:
•Social Studies
Ten minute break

I grabbed my things for math, and the bell rang, shart my life! (A/N shart means shit and Shart my life basically means FML. If you were wondering ;D) I thought hurriedly. I grabbed my social text book and turned around slamming my locker door closed in the process.

That was so coo- my thoughts were interrupted when I heard a whiny voice screech, "Where's my French homework, bitch?"

Shart my life. I sighed quietly. I finally looked up to see...


This was chapter 1!!!


Thanks again for taking the time to read my story❤️
It means sooooo much to me!

Don't worry be happy!


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