Chapter 24: What the hell?!

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Kaylah POV

Josh and I's bond grew stronger this morning. I could feel it.

We soon drove to school and I got to drive Lexi (the car) and he drove his truck, instead of one of the fancy cars.

We arrived to hell in 15 minutes.

Josh still doesn't know about me and Miles.. That's a bridge we will cross when we come to it.

Parking my car in the second row I slowly climbed out.

Walking to the front entrance everything seemed as though it was happening in slow motion. I glanced seeing Josh laughing and giving out high fives with his jock friends, Angelica glaring at me with her Barbie friends around her and finally, Disos Calientes.

Heath glanced up from the girl he was making out with for a moment to look at Grayson and ended up making eye contact with me, he waved with a grin, making Miles and Aidon look in my direction and I looked away quickly and hurried into the busy hall way.

But in my rush I didn't miss the look of hurt that flashed across Miles' face.

I gathered my stuff and made my way to English class.. With one thought on my mind.

Miles knows I'm here today.


\2 hour time skip\

I'm headed back to my locker for my things for the next subject: history.

I've always loved history.. I love to learn about the cultures, people, traditional clothing and just the backgrounds of different countries, including my own.

I close my locker and turn to walk to class when someone grabs me from behind putting a hand over my mouth pulling me into a classroom.

I frantically wiggled, squirmed and tried to hit or kick, I tried everything but the stranger wouldn't do anything but grunt if he got hit by my blows.

Jesus he's strong.

He spun me around pinned me in between a desk with his arm trapping me there. One hand on my mouth still, my eyes widened staring at the crystal ones I've memorized.


He pulled his hand off my mouth eventually.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Whisper yelled.

He just grinned and pecked my lips.

I sighed

He pulled me into his embrace pulling me close so our chests touched.

"Why did you hurry away from me earlier?" He asked, hurt clear in his smooth voice.

"I can't be with you Miles."

"But you made it perfectly clear you want to be with me at my house." He said with a smirk.

I blushed red at his comment.

"Will you go out with me tonight?" He asked.

I pulled away slightly to look into his eyes.

I sighed, knowing I'd have to lie to Josh later.

"Yes." I smiled "but I don't want anything extravagant."

"That won't be a problem, Princess." He grinned again kissing me.

I kissed back immediately. His tongue licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I granted. He lifted me up by my hips, sitting me on the two person desk. His lips broke contact with mine as he left open mouthed kisses across my neck.

Making small moans escape my lips before I could stop them. He looked at me smirking with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh shut up." I laughed wrapping my arms around his neck pulling his lips to mine passionately once more.

I gasped pushing him away.

He stumbled back touching his lips smiling. "What?" He asked

"You're such an ass. Now I'm late for History."

"Well, it's too late now isn't it?" He checked his Rolex watch. "Ten minutes left." He stated walking back towards me pulling me close again. "There's really no point going now is there?" He smirked one again.

That damn smirk.

I just rolled my eyes smiling at the amazing boy in front of me.
Sorry this is short! The next chappy will be longer!

Stay gorgeous!


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