Chapter 16: The confrontation

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|Kaylah POV|

The cuts are healing and Josh is sending me to school today. Today I decided to wear a burgundy zip up hoodie, a grey crop top, a pair of high waisted light blue skinny jeans with my white sneakers. I braided my bangs to the side and covered the bobby pins with the rest of my dark hair that fell down my back in waves.

I did the usual waterproof black winged eyeliner, applied my fake eyelashes with a coat of red-ish colour lipstick to my plump lips.

"Kaylah!" Josh called.
"Be right down!" I called back

I grabbed my purse, my phone and checked myself in my full length mirror before hurrying down the stairs to the kitchen.

"You ready?" He asked
I shrugged in response.

We walked out to his truck and he started to drive to the dreaded location, high school.


Josh parked and unbuckled his seat belt and leaned over to kiss me on the forehead.
"It's gonna be fine, Kay." He smiled reassuringly
"I hope so.." I sighed looking away.
"See you later little sister!" He yelled across the parking lot.
I offered him a tight lipped smile and a small wave.

I sighed and turned around to start the walk of doom.


I arrived at my floor length blue locker and grabbed my schedule.

Advanced chemistry
-Ten minute transition-
Study hall

Wonderful! Not.

I started grabbing my books when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to meet the sad face of Stacy and the angry face of Stephanie. Oh shit.


Stephanie grabbed my wrist and took a fist full of my hair in her hand and started walking down the hallway silently. I caught a glimpse of Stacy grabbing my phone and locking my locker-the angel- then I was abruptly shoved into the janitors closet. "Ow! Fuck, Steph" I rubbed my burning scalp. Stacy lightly shoved me onto a upside down plastic bucket, never one for violence, Stacy.. Stephanie on the other hand was walking from a corner after locking the door. She glared at me for what seemed like eternity making me squirm in my bucket seat.

"What the fuck Kaylah?!" Stephanie shouted. "How could you do that to us! It's been almost two months since we've talked. We were at that party and you bailed! What the hell is your problem?"

I couldn't look into her eyes so, I just looked down. I heard Stacy sigh and soon she appeared in my vision as she kneeled in front of me, grabbing my cheeks in her hands and forcing me to look at her. "Kaylah." Her tone firm "we know you stopped talking to us and started skipping school after that party." She said. "What happened that night." Her voice demanding.

"It started probably 1-2 hours after we got there.. You guys danced with boys and I finished my Coke and had to go pee..." I took a deep breath "I went to the bathroom and in the hall..." I started to cry as the memories flooded my mind ." T- then this guy he-he grabbed me and threw me on the b-bed in a r-room. He pinned me down and stripped me to my bra and underwear he I clipped my b-bra and started m-man handling my boobs." Stephanie had tears in her eyes as she joined her younger sister on the floor in front of me. Stacy had tears of her own falling down her face. " I screamed and he slapped me.. I was so afraid. He was gonna rape me. I know it." I wiped my tears as they kept falling. "How did you get him to stop?" Stephanie asked quietly. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you but, Miles Jensen and Aidon Green. Miles started beating the shit out of Mark Sampso-" "Mark?! Like, football Mark sexually assaulted you!?" I nodded ashamed. Stephanie was angry. More that I've ever seen her. We've been friends since grade 3 and she was livid.

Stacy put a shaking hand on her sister's shoulder as an indication to calm down. Steph closed her eyes and took deep breaths and counted backwards from ten quietly when she was calm enough she opened her eyes ready to listen to the rest of the story.

"Aidon gave me his shirt and tried to pick me up but I jumped back he noticed and used me as an excuse to get Miles away from Mark so, Miles wouldn't kill him. Miles picked me up and brought me home where he laid with me until I fell asleep."

"That doesn't answer our question though.. Why did you stop talking to us for two months?"
I looked away " I though you guys would think of me differently.. Then after a month of me not talking to you guys I was too afraid to face you both."

They looked at each other then looked at me and saying "never." At the same time before grabbing me into a long group hug. I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulder at that moment.

Sigh.. How beautiful is friendship? ☺️
Anyhoodles.. I changed the cover. 😉

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