Chapter 30: Dreaming

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|Third Person POV|

Her dark hair swung and tangled around her as she ran away.

She was running to no where. In the darkness she found a cold door nob and frantically twisted and pulled trying to open the door as fast as possible.

Past the open door was the inside of her school, she sped past the blue and green lockers turning every corner possible trying to get away.

She slowed to a stop after what felt like hours of running and leaned down, pushing a button, drinking from one of the water fountains against the white painted stone wall.

She heard the sound of boots and gasped spinning around looking for their owner. Soon she could hear the kids from her school calling out to her, screaming and chanting insults all around her.

She started sprinting up and down stairs and through long corridors as tears sprang to her eyes. The lockers opened and slammed closed on their own. Hands trembling swung open the school main doors, expecting to see the empty parking lot.

But, she was somewhere new.

She took a step and fell down, down, down.

Opening her eyes she realized her hands were tied behind her back and her tired legs tied to an uncomfortable wooden chair in a familiar dark room.

|Kaylah first person POV|

But this time across from me was two figures. One strapped to a table and the other in a chair.

"Hey." I whispered to the unconscious man in front of me. It was the same man as before.

He stirred a bit.

"Hey!" I whispered louder.

He looked up to her in surprise "Kaylah?"

"Miles?" I asked shocked. "Oh my god no. This is just a dream. I'm not here. No.. no.."

The person on the table groaned and woke up. "What the-"

"Hey." Miles whispered to the man.

"Where the hell am I?" He whispered.

"Joshy?" I whispered.

"Kay? Is that you?"

We have to get out of here.

The door behind me slammed open making me shriek in fear. I couldn't turn to see who entered but this time there was two pairs of feet.

"Hello, sweetheart." His gravely voice sounded.

I gasped as his hand wrapped around my throat. The other person untied my legs but kept my hands tied. Elliott stood me up aggressively pinning me to a wall, chaining my hands to the cold cement.

"I've been waiting for you my love." He said, running his hands across my chest and hips.

"Get off me!" I yelled struggling.

"Leave her alone!" Miles yelled struggling in his chair.

Josh grunted as the other man walked to his table and gagged him.

"Josh!" I cried out.

The stranger took out doctor tools and slowly cut up his arms and chest with a scalpel as he screamed in agony behind his gag.

Miles twisted trying to get out of his ropes to save me and Josh.

"Elliott please! Please don't do this!" I screamed at him. Slapping me, he continued his assault on me for what felt like hours. By the end my shirt and leggings were torn up and my hair long hair was falling in my eyes.

Elliott would walk from me to beat Miles with a wooden baseball bat, leaving him bloody, bruised and crying out.

Elliott stepped back from me and unlocked the chains around my wrists. I collapsed in a heap to the floor tired.

Josh's cries and pleas went unnoticed from the 'doctor' for awhile until he finished. After a while, the man behind Josh's helpless form turned the lights on, letting us see who he is.

"Dad?" I whispered before blacking out.

Oh shit!

Hope you enjoyed this filler important/ kinda not chapter.

Ok so I said in the last chapter that I'm going to share a bit of my life with you.. so, here I go..

My Grandfather died a three years ago, causing my Grandmother to be forced into a home for the elderly last year. He was slowly getting worse and dying for the last ten years of his life. He had heart problems, kidney problems, stomach cancer, lung cancer and a gnarly brain tumor that would return every few years.

My grandma has been diagnosed with breast cancer recently.. Its been a genetic reoccurrence in my family it would seem..

Um.. also, I have anxiety and an illness that effects my whole body but mostly my brain..

My anxiety has been getting worse, causing a reaction in my other illness which means I zone out, get dizzy out of nowhere and sometimes I'll pass out.

Ok yeah.. Thanks for reading. Just know this is hard for me to openly talk about and I may or may not talk about it again..

Sorry for making you wait so long for an update btw:/


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