Chapter 21: Tough questions and an old 'friend'

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He frowned as he inspected me.

"What the hell?" He said curious then he realized why I was here in the first place.

"Where else, Kaylah?" He asked, voice almost pained.

"No where." I lied.

"Where else, Kaylah." He demanded voice harsher.

"That's it!" I yelled at him "Just drop it, okay?!" He doesn't need to be worried.

"Stop lying to me! Where else!?" He roared

My eyes filled with tears as he yelled so loud the walls shook.

"No where." I whispered.

"Please, baby, I wanna help you." He spoke softly and reached to caress my cheeks.

I knew I was starting to cave and so did he.

I still shook my head.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I made a motion with my index finger for him to come closer and I whispered to him why I wouldn't let him see the other bruises.

He nodded and turned towards Aidon (without the trash bucket on his foot) and Grayson, who turned back around. To watch the argument that just passed.

"Get out." He demanded.

"But why." Grayson whined, dragging the 'Y' out longer than needed.

Miles stared at Grayson, as if daring him to a challenge.

Aidon rolled his eyes and grabbed Grayson's shoulder and pulled him out the door, closing it behind them.

Miles kept his back towards me so I could change into one of his tee shirts and my leggings from my backpack that Grayson grabbed for me on the way here from the school. That's why I wanted them out. Because I'm showing miles my new bruises.

"Are you decent?" He asked " can I turn now?"

I nodded until I realized he couldn't see me.

"Yep." I said quietly.

He turned and slowly lifted the shirt inch by inch until it was right under my Victoria secret bra.

His fingertips danced across the sore skin.

His eyes held raw emotions: anger, sadness, helplessness and fear?

I grabbed his face gently in my hands and stared into the blue eyes I'd never get tired of looking into. This time his ocean eyes were filled with tears threatening to spill over if he blinked

"Baby," I started confused "why are you crying?"

"I didn't protect you. And I should have. B-but I didn't and now you're hurt because of me! I'm such a bad boyfriend. I ruin everything. I can't believe I did this. This is all my fault. I'm so fucking stupi-" I shut up his rambling my kissing him softly.

"Now, you listen to me, boy. This-" I pointed at the new bruises I bared " is not your fault. You hear me? You were at your locker or in class. You couldn't be there. I don't blame you. And don't you fucking dare to blame yourself either." I kissed his lips in a quick peck. Then I tilted my head slightly and looked at him quizzically "boyfriend?"

His cheeks turned pink.

"W-well.. Um" he cleared his throat " I really like you.. And I, ah.." He shook his head and blurted "Kaylah Tanner, will you be my girlfriend?"

I looked up at him. "No."

He frowned deeply and looked like he was about to cry.

"In order for me to be your girlfriend you have to take me out on a date." I continued.

He shook his head in disbelief. "Then that I will. A grin broke out on his face as he grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss.

I moved my hands up and down his muscular abdomen and chest. I felt his tongue brush my lip ask for entry, which I refused.

He moved his hands down to my waist as we continued to kiss. He squeezed my butt and I gasped in suprise, giving him entrance.

Kissed a little bit longer until my phone started ringing in the front pocket of my purse/ backpack.

No caller ID? Weird.

I stepped out in the hallway for some privacy.

"Hello, my darling." Said the stranger.

That voice.. I know that voice.. That accent. I've heard it before.

"I imagine you are trying to figure out who I am. Well, I am an old friend. We were very close, you and I." He continued.

I remained silent

"Hmm.. You still don't remember? That hurts, darling. Let me help, you fell for my long black hair, green eyes? Ringing any bells?"

That's when it finally clicked. How could I be so stupid?!

"Elliot?" I asked in a quiet voice
"That's bettah." He replied in the accent I used to love.
"H-h-how did you g-get my number?" I asked voice trembling.
"I have connections. Well, my times almost up. You need to know that I'm out of prison. And I'm gonna find you. I'm finally free and you have been a bad girl. When I get you, you will be punished for running from me!" He yelled. "And I will finish what I started so long ago." His voice calm again. "Then we can be together. Ciao, my Darling."

I hung up. I exhaled shakily and walked back into the room gathering my things swiftly.

"Where are you going?" Miles asked suddenly right behind me.

"I h-have to go-o. Josh is mad and I need to get back." I lied.

Thankfully, he never caught on to my lie. "I'll drive you."

I nodded my head and hurrying down the stairs.

"Are you guys don-" Grayson started

But I pushed past him to the car with my bag slung over my shoulder.

I slipped on my converse without tying the laces and almost running to Miles' truck.

O my god. He's coming.

Miles started his truck and pulled out of the driveway.

No. He will never get me again. Not again. I thought as a tear streaked down my right cheek.

Hope you enjoyed the update!

Don't worry be happy!


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