Chapter 13: Remembering.

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|Kaylah POV|

It's been four days since that party and I haven't spoken to Stacy or Stephanie since that party. I've gone to school and avoided as much confrontation as possible.  I've worn my extra long sleeved hoodies by covering up my self harm cuts and the bruises from Mark.

Speaking of Mark, I see him on the field at lunch some times. There are certain occasions when he'd wave and give me a small caring smile. It's as if he doesn't remember that night. Just waking up in an ally with a broken nose, two teeth missing, a black eye and a busted lip. But, he's still as popular as before.

Stacy and Stephanie try to talk to me but I won't budge. I'm sure by now they know that the silent treatment is all I'm giving right now. They haven't given up yet! They keep trying to get me to make any sound, a giggle, a cough anything!

I feel so dirty. I was bare when two random strangers come to the rescue. I can't put my finger on the faces... That night is all blurry. I can't remember seeing very much but, I can still feel his hands roaming freely. Him sucking on my smooth skin. He was so violent and barbaric. I hated every second of that dreadful experience. I'll hate Mark Sampson forever.

Miles and I made eye contact twice at school since then, he will call out to me and chase me down the busy halls until I hide and he loses sight of me. I don't know what his problem is.
Time for lunch.

I haven't sat with my friends since I ditched them at that party by going home early.

I made my was to the lunch line with my head down and my hood up the whole time. The cafeteria lady gave me my barf worthy poison (food) with a glare. I nodded my head in thanks.

I quickly made my way to the field behind the school. I plopped myself under one of the HUGE oak trees lining the school property with a sigh.

I'm in the middle of eating my tater tots when a  pair of black boots were squishing the grass below them. I slowly dragged my eyes up from the boots to the human's face.


He smirked smugly while looking down at my already small figure.

"You done checking me out yet?" His smirk widened.

[Miles POV]

"You done checking me out yet?" I smirked.

Kaylah lazily rolled her eyes at me and looked back down at her food, continuing to eat her cafeteria 'lunch' as the staff calls it and sipping from her black water bottle.

Ouch. I thought.

"You've been avoiding me" I stated plainly.


"A thank you would be nice, you know!

"Why should I thank you?! I don't even know you?!" She said eyes wide.

She looks so beautiful with her lips parted.. so.. soft I could just lean in and-

STOP IT MILES. Get it together.

"What do you mean you don't know me?" I asked confused.

"You beat up my brother, you pushed me in the halls and I went to a party then-" She abruptly stopped mid sentence.

"I- I have to g- go now." She stuttered while jumping to her feet grabbing her back pack ready to run again.

Only I was quicker.

I quickly stood and gripped her slim waist pushing her onto the giant oak tree she was leaning on moments ago. Pressing my body against hers. Chest to chest, my hands pinning her wrists to her sides. Our faces close. I felt her heartbeat pick up.

|Kaylah POV|

I quickly stood up from my seated position to run like hell when he grabbed me and pushed me onto the grand oak tree planted behind me. He pressed his muscular form to my small less flattering one. Chest to chest, his hands pinning my wrists to my sides as I struggled to free myself. When I realized I couldn't win I finally gave up with a huff.

He had the audacity to smirk, amused at my failed attempt to escape his iron like hands.

I winced from the pressure being applied to my wrists 

He lessened the pressure slightly seeing my discomfort.

"How do you not remember me?" He asked hurt.

"I'm still confused?" I said.

"Um... I guess I'll start with you going to that party. Me hearing screaming, I thought a couple was getting it on until I realized a girl was screaming for help, that's when I saw Aidon  walking up the stairs and is finding Mark Sampson on you hurting you.... The fear in your eyes.." He started tearing up.

Oh my god. Miles Jensen is tearing up for.. Me?

He inhaled deeply before continuing , "I grabbed Mark and beat the shit out of him. He was to drunk to even fight back." He forced out a chuckle.

He released my wrists and sat down with me.

"Aidon tried to get you out of that room but you were too afraid.. So, I picked you up, you were clothed, and you let me take you home to Josh, when I laid you down in your bed, you reached out to grab me and pulled me in to cuddle" He finished with a small smile.

I blushed at the cuddling part.

His smile was the cutest thing ever. It was a small one but still, adorable none the less.

"I- I- I mean... Thank you. For e- everything. You saved me."

My arms grabbed his shoulders and pulled him to me for a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and we stayed like that even after the bell signalling lunch was over rang.

He put me on his lap as I cried on his strong shoulders.

Thank you Miles.

Woahhhh two updates in twenty four hours?

1003 words!!

Thanks for reading!


Don't worry be happy!


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