Chapter 8: The outburst

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|Kaylah POV|

After my "encounter" with Angelica I walked to class with a spring in my step and I was grinning like I won the lottery. In my mind, it was. I just whooped Angelica's arse and I was proud of myself for standing up to her.


[Miles POV]

I'm outside, behind the school leaning on the brick wall inhaling a puff of nicotine from the cigarette I was currently enjoying.

I know that we won't get caught, since the security sucks. They mostly drink coffee and nap. Lazy bastards. I rolled my eyes.

"Yo! Mi!" I glanced up to see Kyle Jonathan. School druggie and dealer.

I grinned and we did a bro hand shake.

"You brought the cocaine I ordered right?" Xander asked

"Yep!" Replied Kyle "right here" he nodded towards the bag of white powder in his hand.

"Nice." Aaron commented.

That's how our day went until lunch.


|Kaylah POV|

Drring Drring Drrrring.

What an annoying bell.  I sighed and grabbed my things to put in my locker. Stephanie and Stacy walked to my locker with me when Dioses Calientes walked down the halls, or should I say, strut.

They reeked of weed and smoke. I could have sworn Xander had I white tinge under his nose.

I cringed.

I heard a light click and realized my pen fell on the tile. Shit.

People started walking on it, kicking it around and that's when I noticed I was in the middle of the hallway.

My body hit the ground and a sharp shooting pain went through my castes arm. I hissed in pain.

"Fuck" I whispered

"Watch where your going" a male voice stated.

I looked up to meet Miles' eyes.

"How 'bout you watch where you're going assholes." I said loudly

Crap.  O my gosh why would I say that?! Out loud?! Oh no. Dear gods, no! Crapola.

"What was that?" Miles was angry. Anyone could tell, then again, I just called them arses in font of the whole cafeteria (A/N  I decided that the pen was kicked all the way to the cafeteria.) now he's gonna kill me!

"You heard me." I said bluntly

Xander cracked his knuckles and straightened his posture to intimidate me. And boy, did it work. Only one thing was going though my mind at this moment, Oh shit.

That's when I felt someone forcefully grab my arm and stand in front of me.

That must be Heath. No one's muscles are that big. I looked up to see his face.. Yep. Heath.

"Stand down Xander." Heath warned in his deep voice.

"Why should I? She insulted us!"

"You would hit Kaylah?!" Heath yelled back "look, she's a girl and remember last time? She would probably not even fight back!"

I cut him off

"Excuse me?" I yelled eyes wide "thanks for stopping you're angered issued friend, but I can take care of myself. " 

I looked to the rest of the guys to see their mouths ajar in shock at my outburst.

"You guys are so rude?! You think you own everything, you think you're so cool. Get over yourselves. You guys are just dudes that play girls, do drugs and party. I for one-"

"Just let it go, Kay" Stacy and Stephanie looped their arms with mine and brought me outside of cafeteria to my locker away from Dioses Calientes. Thankfully.


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