Chapter 3: I love you

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|Kaylah POV|


My mind had no control over my body! I am continually trying to lift my arms, or twitch a finger or my nose, but it's no use.

I am trapped in darkness

I am slowly seeing white spots in the darkness.

It's completely white now and I can move my fingers.

I'm finally able to open my eyes and as I do there is a bright light shining in my eyes.

"Turn off the sun!"
"Sorry Kay!"


I reopened my eyes to see my brother Josh, in a terrible state.

His eyes were red from crying, his lips were cracked from dryness and he had black bags under his eyes. Like he hasn't slept in days.

"Oh Kay!" He exclaimed "I was so nervous! Never do that again! You scared the living daylights outta me!"

"Where am I?" I asked, voice hoarse.
"The hospital."
"How long was I out?"
"2 days"
"Damn" I muttered.

I finally looked down to see I was in a hospital dress, I had a cast on my right arm (good thing I'm left handed) and my legs were covered in bruises.

Im even uglier now... I thought.

"When can I leave?"
"Tomorrow, Kaylah. You get some rest okay? I'll be right here."

I nodded and let sleep take me.




Josh brought me clothes to change out of, nothing much, a pair of black Lulu Lemon leggings , a baby blue tank top and my white converse as for undergarments it's not awkward with my brother.

With lots of people they're brothers are stealing their bra's and stuff, but my brother doesn't make it awkward or weird.. In his words, 'it's just underwear'.

Josh is currently driving in his dark blue Porche.

You're probably wondering how my brother has that type of expensive car. Well that's only 1 of his 5 cars. Our parents are loaded. My Dad isn't apart of our lives any more. My Mother is a Surgeon. Both of my parents work in NYC, while me and Josh live in a four story house in Jasper Canada. But our parents still send money from their jobs. For our bills, groceries, cloths etcetera.

We were currently driving through trees to get back to our house.

45 minutes later

Josh rounded a corner and there we are. Our house is pretty I guess. We've lived here for almost five years. So, it's not so extravagant for us any more. Except for the kitchen.

Josh parked his car and climbed out. He quickly jogged to my side of the car and opened my door like the gentleman he is. Josh put his hand out and I gladly took it as I grinned at him.

"Thanks" i mumbled
"No problem,Kay bear!" He exclaimed cheerily.

I slowly walked through the front door, my legs still in pain from the Blonde She Devil.

I wonder if Josh knows who knocked me out for two days? If he does, how will he react? If he doesn't, do I lie? Should I tell the truth? I'm just going to ask him.

"Um.. Josh?" I said voice quiet.
Yeah, Kaylah?"
"Do you um..know who beat me?"

As I asked his jaw clenched and he balled up his fists. His eyes held fury.

"Forget I asked" I stated with my head down.
"No." Josh said taking a deep exhale.
"I'm answering your question,Kaylah." He replied. "My answer is no. I thought a boy could have done it, but I realized you were in the girls bathroom. I-"
"Wait." I cut him off. "Why did you go in the girls bathroom?"

His cheeks tinted the lightest shade of pink at my question.

"Well I saw shoe prints with dirt and blood going down the halls. I wasn't going to see who it was! So I walked into the girls room and saw you laying on the ground in a pool of blood."

He stopped talking.

Josh's eyes welled with tears. He let out a sob.

"I-I thought y-you were g-gone."

He looked so broken and vulnerable.

I felt my own tears cascade down my pale cheeks.

I hobbled as fast as I could into his arms.

There we were having a crying session in our living room, him crying on my shoulder and me on his chest.

We released each other. I looked into my twin's chocolate eyes and his bored into my silver ones. Suddenly, we burst out laughing.

Once again I felt my eyes well with tears, but not because of sadness or pain, but because of happiness and joy!

"I'll see you later bro, I'm going for a shower."

"Okay. Be quick! We're gonna have a Disney marathon!" He did a little happy dance.

"You're so weird!" I yelled

"But you love me!"

That I do.
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