Chapter 3- He's Coming

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~Lydia's pov~

Lydia calm down!  He's coming here!
Stiles slowly makes his way to front of the table with Scott.

"So hmm Allison, hmm I was wondering if you wanted to go to this party which is on Saturday,  hmm I know it's on such short notice but I.. " Scott asked her, scratching the back of his head. "yes! Of course!"  she giggled. Lucky girl, she's already got a date. I wish I had a love story like that.

" So Lydia,  who are you going with" Stiles asked me.  Oh my God, he is asking, Lydia get you shit together and answer the boy. "hmm, why?"  I slightly stuttered.  Oh my god.

"hmm I.. I don't just wondering" he smirked and scratched the back of his head. Oh shit I am dead. Why is he so hot?  Lydia stop.  "I'm not really going with anyone" unless you want to take me out. Oh my God why am I so hormonal? I swear it's his fault for being to God damn hot. 
"ok" he smirked and walked off.  What the hell.

Allison nudged me "he likes you,  you know"  she winked at me.  "well look at you, you just got yourself a boyfriend in your first day"  "he's not really my boyfriend", "yet" Danny,  Kira, Erica and I all said in unison. 

"So do you guys want to go shopping after school, to go buy some clothes for the party? Because I need some clothes and it's on Saturday! " Kira squealed. We all agreed expect Danny who just was just being his sassy self.
" Well, I told you, like two weeks ago to get something but did you listen to me?  No. You would have a date by now, if you listen to me, more often"
Erica started bursting out laughing " I just can't with you".

~After school~
Allison, Danny,  Kira, Erica and I all went to the biggest shopping centre in Beacon Hills. 
" we are going to forever 21 first". "no no no, you don't just drag me here and tell me where we're going first, I could have been with my hot boyfriend. We're going to drugstore first I am running out of my armani after shave". Of course him and his beloved after shave, even thought I got to admit it smells amazing. 
After, Danny brought his after shave, we finally got to forever 21 and saw the group of people we didn't expect to see. 
Malia and her group of friends were here. Well of course they're going to be here, they probably go shopping all the time.
Malia and her friends were searching through the clothes. Malia then turns and goes to someone that I least expected to see. Stiles Stilinski.

I quickly ran to the other side of the store. 
"Hey Lydia, what the hell you know I don't run!! " Erica called after me,  chasing after me. I ran to another section, once I saw that Stiles hear them and turned around.

I had to catch my breath, everything happened so quickly my mind could barely comprehened what just happened. 
I felt a hand tap on my shoulder.  I turned to see who it was.
And it was Stiles Stilinski. Oh my God! Act natural Lydia!

"Hi I hmm didn't mean to scare you" he smiled sweetly. "hmm why did you run away?"  he chuckled.  "uhm I really need to look at some clothes"  I panicked. Damn it I just realised I ran to the lingerie section! Ugh why?

He laughed "because you really need a new set of lingerie. I hope it's not for another guy" he winked. I probably look like a tomato right now.
"So are you going to the party on Saturday" "hmm yeah, why? I thought you already knew, since you asked me earlier today." damn when did I get so confident. "No reason,  I'll see you there."  he winked "oh and hope you choose a good lingerie, since you were so desperate to get here" he laughed and left me, wondering why do these stupid embarrassing shit.

Author's note: you know when Lydia is just so relate about lol. I hope you guys like this.

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