Chapter 4- Arriving At The Party

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Btw that's Lydia's outfit for the party and play the song when I say *play song*

~Lydia's pov~

Today I brought all the clothes I needed for the party, red skater dress, with matching red heeled ankle boots, and red lipstick with matching nail varnish to go with it, and last but not least my necklace that Stiles got me in 5th grade for my birthday. I wonder if he remembers it.

~Going to the party~
I curled my hair, done my makeup and got change and grabbed my jacket and drove off to the party. Who cares if I go on my own, I am a strong independent young lady, I don't need a guy to escort me to any party!

I turned on my radio and listened to Melanie Martinez pity party. Oh God, what a song to come on now. I love this song anyway.

I finally arrived at the party which was held at Jackson's house. I saw Stiles also just arrived in his beloved jeep. Why did he arrive without Malia? Who cares? who the hell comes up with these stupid rules?

I walked out of my car and into the party until Stiles called for me.

"Lydia" I turn and looked at him. He was wearing his signature plaid shirt and khaki trousers. "hey, Stiles" "hey" he smiled and scratched the back of his head.What is he being shy, or is my mind playing tricks on me?

"hmm, if you don't mind me asking, where's Malia?" "hmm, she wanted to come with her best friend Cora" he awkwardly said.
"So should I escort you in like a gentleman or not? " he winked and took out his arm for me to take.

~Stiles pov~

"well this girl doesn't need to be escorted, maybe in your wildest dream" she winked and walked off into the party leaving me dumbfounded.

*play song*

I noticed that she was wearing the necklace that I brought her for her birthday back in fifth grade, I was going to mention it but I was too shy. Why does this girl make me feel like this, ever since third grade. The necklace was the last thing my mum brought before her incident. She was the only person who I told everything. I miss her.

~flashback Stiles pov~

It was Lydia's birthday party, she was wearing a little mermaid costume. She loved the little mermaid. I came in my Prince Eric costume, that my mum made for me. I didn't know why she did it until now, and I am thanking her.

I built up all my confidence and walked up to Lydia, she looked beautiful and soo cheerful. I gave her the present, a silver feather necklace which my mother and I have picked out for her.

"I love it! Thank you" she ran and hugged me and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I held my hand where she kissed me.

~End of flashback~

My hand when to my cheek where she kissed me that day.

The first Stiles pov and a flashback to 5th grade stydia, how do you feel. Hope you enjoy it love it.

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