Chapter 18 - Lydia's New Look.

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An: Lydia's outfit.
This is also dedicated to the lovely Tv-addict recommend that you read her book it is an stydia Au with them in the maze runner.

~ Lydia's pov~

I felt nervous, I looked down at my outfit. It's your dare, Lydia, you have to or else you will get one much worse. And besides you love it.

I can no wait to wear it in the morning.

~Stiles' pov~

I stood at the door waiting for the dickhead to show his fucking face. I waited for another second and then I violently knocked on the door again.

The ass didn't opened the door yet, so I got an idea that came into my head.

Using the bat in my hand I started to smash his car and windows and throw trash and mud at his house. I then sprayed painted a massive 'S' on his door, and made a note saying;

' Look one of us at least can own up to what we have done and doesn't hide behind anything, karma is a bitch right?

Ps: I know you killed my mum. I also thought you were a friend of my family, however, I never knew that you of all people had a massive secret.

Best of wishes your "friend", nah just kidding fuck you,

Stiles Stilinski.

By the way at least I can put my name on it. 'J' whats that suppose to say jackass.


I smirked as I put the letter on his window screen wiper of his car.

I saw the lights turning on from his house, I ran to my car and found a brick near it, threw it at his window; jumped in my jeep and drove as fast as a can, laughing.

I arrived home and ran upstairs and went to bed. I smirked satisfied with what I have done.

~~Next day~~

I woke up and I just realised that it was Monday, fuck me.

I jumped out of bed, done my basic morning routine and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

I walking into the kitchen and saw my dad sitting waiting for me, well I that's what I assume.

"Stiles?" he said sternly and frown at me. Well I'm fucked. "yeah, what?" "Where were you last night?" "Depends on what time last night you are talking about?"

He frowned even more at me and was basically scowling at me. "Stiles this is serious, I got a call from..." "yeah the asshole, what did he say?"
"Stiles!! Did you or did you not vandalise his house and his car?!??!"

"Go and see it for yourself, and also tell him to show you the note, which I left him."

"Stiles, I don't want to hear it. I can't even look at you."

"No listen, that letter will reveal more than you know, about him and also mum."

"What are you talking about Stiles? What does your mother have anything to do with this and him, of all people?"

"More than you know; read the note and then remind me to give you the letter, ok I need to go to school now; just read the note." I walked out of the room with that.

"Stiles, I am not done with you yet!"
"Bye dad." I walked out and went to my jeep.

I drove to school and text Scott.
Me: where the fuck are you scotty boy? Scotty: I am at school. Where are you?
Me: Hell. I will meet up with you. Where are you rn?
Scott: I am in the cafeteria
Me: with whom?
Scott: Allison and Jackson. Why?

Ugh not that asshole.
Me: Leave there and meet me at the car park with Allison. You don't want her to be left with him, trust me. Btw where is Lydia?

Scott: Stiles are you ok? And Lydia isnt here. Why?

Me: ok, thank you and yeah I fine. You just don't know what will happen to Allison if she's near that piece of shit.

Scott: what happened between you and Jackson?

Me: meet me at the car park and I will tell you everything.

I waited for Scott to arrive at my car. I saw him and Allison walking out off the school building. They both walk up to my car with confused expressions on their faces.

"Come on and get in" I invited them in. "Stiles, what the fuck is going on?"
"Well you are going to have to be more specific, because recently there has been a lot of things that has happened in my life in the past week."

"Stiles, if you were having problems, why didn't you call me? You know I am alway there for you."

"I felt like I would have annoyed you or something."

"Stiles you are my best friend, nothing you can say will annoy me."

"Are you sure about that?" I laughed.
"Ok I am going to see you guys later." Allison said.

"Ok bye now." Allison walked off.

"So, Stiles, what happened to you recently?"

"I found out who killed my mother."

An: what do you guys think? Who's Claudia's murder? Leave your theories in the comments 😊

I've had a weird day, all I hope is that you all had a better day that I did. I will still update on Sunday don't worry I am working on it as we speak.


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