Chapter 30 - The Final Chapter

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A/n: Please read the note at the bottom or else I will kill a character off.

~Lydia's pov~

I took a seat and sat down waiting for the bad news. "Lydia, I don't know how to put this, so I am just going to say it. We have a problem with this house, the landlord want us out before the end of the week, but we have got a really good house offer, but it is in Los Angeles, so you will have to move schools." She told me, I was really shocked.

"But I am in my senior year, I can't move schools!" I told her, I don't want to move I have been here my entire life. "Lydia, it's too far."

"Mum, I can drive." She looked at me concerned.

"But you will have to drive very far, you will have to wake up very early."

"I guess I will have to make some sacrifices." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I am sorry, but I can't have you waking up at 4 in the morning, just to go to school." My mother said to me, I could tell that she was very stressed from the tone of her voice.

"Mum, I love you but I want to stay; I understand that we can't, but can't I at least stay at somebody's house? Only until I finish senior year." I suggested. She looked at me with uncertainty.

"Lydia, I don't really like the idea of you being in a completely different city to me." She told me. "Lydia, either way, you'll still need to pack. We are leaving today."

"What?! We are leaving today!" I asked. Today? Why didn't she tell me the before!

"Why are you telling me now?! Why haven't you told me this before?!" I practically screamed at her. This is ridiculous!

"I am going to tell Stiles and my friends." I said getting up from my chair.

"No, sit down young lady!" she demanded me. I gave her a confused look. What is her problem?

"Okay?" I said sitting down. "What is your problem with my friends?" I said.

"Not, your friends." she said which made me even more confused. "I don't like Stiles."

"What?! But... But.. You.. Explain.. Tell me, why don't you like him?" I said to her. She gave me a look which meant why are you even asking.

"He is not a good guy! Did you know about how he vandalised a house and a car? It was also the deputy sheriff house. He does many things like this, Lydia. He's a terrible influence and I don't want you near a guy like that. He doesn't have a good reputation. I haven't said anything about your entire makeover, but now you're dating Stiles Stilinski, Lydia you've crossed the line." I rolled my eyes at her.

"See, now look at this you have already started to pick up an attitude!" she said noticing what I just did.

"He's not really like that, when you actually see him for who he is, he is actually a really nice clever guy. You knew him when he was younger.."

"Yeah but he's different now." she said interrupting me. "You've said your points, now let me talk." I told her. She looked a little surprised and shut her mouth.

"Thank you! Now as I was saying he is the same as he was younger." I told her.

"And I love him! Okay!" I told her.

"Lydia, have you changed your entire appearance for him?" She asked me her ridiculous question.

"That's absolutely ridiculous, of course not." I laughed.

"I had enough, get packing we are leaving right now." My mother got up and walked out of the room. Her voice wasn't harsh or aggressive, it was just tired and it almost sound like she gave up.

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