Chapter 23 - Don't Underestimate A Woman

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~Allison's pov~

I arrived at the party with Scott. I looked at him and asked him "who's party is this?" he looked at me and shrugged "hmm, I think it's either Greenburg or Jackson's."

The party was wild, there were drunk teenagers running around everywhere. "Alli, I will be back and get us some drinks" he hugged me and gave me a kiss, I smiled at him. With that, he walked off into the crowd of crazy people, who I barely know.

I looked around and decided to just wonder around for a bit. I saw a stupid crowd of assholes, who stared to catcall me. "Hey girl, I saw you there. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Cos you look like a hot piece of ass. Girl is your daddy a Baker cos you got some nice buns, damn!!!"
I gave them a death glare. "Why don't you go and tell my boyfriend that?"

They all started to laugh. "Why don't you go and call him, you know my parents always told me that sharing is caring, we could both have you." I gave them a sarcastic smile and simply told them to piss off.

Jackson came along and told them to go out of his party. "So this is your party?" I asked him. "Yeah" he smiled at me. "So what happened to your face?" I asked him. He had bruises on his face. He shrugged his shoulders. I shrugged it off and I thanked him for getting rid of the assholes, and walked off.

"Hey! Allison, aren't you going to thank me properly?" I gave him a weird look. "Thank you so much, for taking care of something that I could clearly handle." I gave him a sarcastic smile. He grabbed my arm. "Allison, you know what I meant." I turned my arm in a circle motion and made him let go of my arm.

"What the hell is wrong with you!! Are you drunk?" he chuckled and said "I know what I want. By the way, did you know that you look hot angry. You know, I have never told you this before, but did you sit on sugar, because you have a sweet ass. By the way I wonder why you are even with Mccall, you could be with me." he winked at me.

I became furious and could stop my self. I punch him in the throat and his eye. I punch him in the jaw and kicked him where it hurts most and continued to kick him to the ground.

"Never talk to anyone like that again. You are disgusting. You don't deserve anyone as amazing as Danny, you know that right. You fucking filth." I whispered the threats to him.

I kicked him once more in his face, and then I walked off to find some people actually worth my time.

~Scott's pov~

I wondered around the party searching for Allison. I then, came across Jackson trying to get off the floor, looking like he was in some serious pain.

"Man, what happened to you?" I asked him slightly amused. He groaned and glared at me. "Ask your psycho, bitch of a girlfriend." "What do you mean?"

"Listen, man, she's seriously hot as hell but fucking bat shit crazy!" I glared at him and then punched him.

"Don't talk about her like that! If she beat you up she has a good reason. And you might not know this but you are a fucking asshole, and I still cannot believe what you have done. Don't you think Danny should know about what you did to..."

"Noooo!!! No anything but that, I'm begging you!!! " he whispered. I smirked with satisfaction. I kicked his stupid face.

"Now if you don't mind I will go to my seriously hot girlfriend, who you say is bat shit crazy, but do you know what I love her like mad for everything." I turned to look at him and then said "Oh yeah and don't fucking flirt with her again you fucking dickhead." I used a ridiculous strength and hit his head on the floor.

I walked off and saw that Allison saw the whole thing. She looked at me.
"You love me?" she smiled at me. "Yeah, more than anything I could ever imagine." I blushed and scratched my neck. "Do you love me?"
I looked at my feet because I was so nervous and shy all of a sudden. She smiled at me. "Yes, I love you, more than anything I could ever imagine." I went to her and hug her, she kissed me.

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