Chapter 11- Halloween

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An: Play the song when I say *play song*

~Lydia's pov~

Tonight was the Halloween party. I was dressed as Ariel. Which was my childhood favourite character. I have to wait for Stiles, because he is my date. I wonder, what his costume is?

I was pasting back and forth because I was nervous. The door bell rang and I open the door. I saw Stiles, he was wearing a massive overcoat.

"What is your costume? The doctor?"

"No, you'll see it later"

"So what are you? Ariel, the little mermaid?"

"yeah, I am"

We drove off to the school. The school was decorated in orange and black. And when we walked in we saw the interior which was decorated like a kingdom in a fairy tale.

Stiles lead me the way into the main hall where the event was being held. I realised that we were holding hands.

Stiles took off his overcoat, revealing his costume. He was wearing a white shirt, with blue boot cut jeans and a red belt, and black boots to top it out off.

"Stiles, you're dressed as Prince Eric, from the little mermaid?"
"Yeah, it was the first thing I could think of. Actually it was the only thing I thought of. "

The DJ started to get everyone's attention. "OK, ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the first dance. Get with your partner, this one is a slow song."

*Play song*

"Do you want to dance?"
"yeah sure"
I grab Stiles' hand and we walked to the dance floor. My heart wasn't prepared for this, it had skipped a thousand beats.

~Stiles' pov~

She took my hand. If this girl knew what she was doing me, she would take me to the hospital because she'll think I would be having a heart attack. However, I would like her to know this.

I put my hand to her waist and started turning and swaying to the beat. I held her, like she would slip out of my hands, she was precious and this is my only change, to prove to her that I would be good to her. I would protect her. I smiled at how beautiful she looked.

I knew she was going to come as Ariel, I just wanted to show her that I could be her Eric.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You have a food in your face"
"Oh my God! Where?"

~Lydia's pov~

This was so embarrassing.
"It's on your cheek"
"Did I get it?"
"No lower"
"Okay, is it gone?"
"No, let me do it, it's fine" he said smiling at me. He put his fingers on my cheek a gently wiped away, the pizza I ate, before I came here.
"Thanks, Stiles" he smiled at me.
"No problem, gorgeous" he winked at me.

I blushed at his sudden firty comment. I probably look like a tomato.
"Ok, I'm going to look for my friends" I accused myself.
"hmm, ok. But aren't you supposed to be with me for the entire month?
"yeah, but Stiles, I need to go and find them I haven't seen them, almost all day."
"Ok, that's odd I'll help you look for them, you can go and look at the left-side of the school, and I'll look at the right side."

I went to the field to see if anyone was there. I heard a weird sound behind me. "Who's that?" Ugh this is like a horror movie.

I started to runaway, but the footsteps started to creep quicker behind me. I started to sprint for my life. But something hit me around the head and started dragging me to the ground. I started to fall out of consciousness and passed out.

~Kira's pov~

I was dancing with my beautiful date. She looked so amazing, she made me look bad. She was dressed as a evil queen, and I was dressed as a fairy. We weren't matching, but who cares? She's still mine.

"what's wrong?"
"It's just that I'm not used to being with a girl. If you know what I mean. I haven't really came out to anyone, except you of course."
"It's ok, I will wait for you. Whenever you are ready. "
"Thank you, for understanding"

~Stiles' pov~

I found everyone, so I tried to call Lydia. But she wouldn't answer, her phone just automatically went to voicemail. "Lydia please answer" I mumbled.

"Hi, it's Lydia, please leave a message."

Damn it, why does this happen? I need to find her. I started to run to the left side of the school, thinking where would Lydia Martin go to?

I ran everywhere until, I thought of one place, which I forgot to check. The field. I ran down to the field and saw something I could not believe.

"Why? Why would you do this to her?"

An: Hello beautiful people, how are you today? I hope you like this. Leave a comment on who you think Stiles is talking to.

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