Chapter 9- Paradise

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AN: this is Lydia's outfit.

~Lydia's pov~

We ended drove to a funfair. It was luminated with bright neon colours. I felt like I was a child again.

"So, what ride, do you want to go to first? "

"I want to go on to the carousel"

"What isn't that a child ride"

"What? I love carousels!"
"Ok, if you say so"

He brought the tickets for us. I took is hand and I ran to the ride.

There was nobody on the ride, so we ran into the ride. I started laughing at Stiles excitement, he looked like a child. The carousel started going round and round. I looked a back at Stiles and he was smiling. His smile was brighter than the lights.

~Stiles' pov~

I looked at Lydia on the carousel, she was so happy. If I knew that, she would be this happy, I would have brought her here, along time ago. She has a massive beautiful smile. She looked stunning. Her hair was flying in the wind, she looked so majestic. She looked beautiful.

~Lydia's pov ~

After the ride, Stiles looked at me and laughed.
"Why are you laughing? "
"It's because I never thought you'd be so happy about going on a carousel. Don't worry, I think it's cute"

This boy is seriously playing with my emotions.

" What do you want to go on, now?"
"hmm I don't know, maybe the ferris wheel"

~ Scott's pov~

I went to pick up Allison for our date. I rang the doorbell and hid the flowers behind me.

After I shortly waited, the door opened. I saw a red haired, scary woman opened the door. She glared at me like she wanted to cut me up, and fry my organs.
Scott, are you sure Allison lived here?

"Is Allison Argent here?"
The woman looked at me for a second and answered. "Yes. Allison!" she called.

"Why are you asking?"
She continued to glare straight through my soul, until Allison came down the stairs.

Allison ran and hug me. "Oh, Mum, this is Scott, my boyfriend."
"Hello Scott."
"Allison, you already have a boyfriend?" she whispered to her.
"Mum, stop embarrassing me!" she whispered.

The woman didn't crack a smile, she simply frowned, until Allison and I, went onto my motorbike, and drove to our date.

~Lydia's pov~

We decided to and get ice cream.

"what flavour do you want?"
"cookies and cream!"
"I love that flavour. My mum would use to buy me it, everyday. "
"Oh that's nice. By the way what happened to your mum?"

He went silent, and he looked like he was contemplating on, whether or not to tell me.

"Never mind, I'll tell you soon, maybe."

"By the way, I was wondering, since you have to stick with me for the whole month, the winter ball is coming, so you'll have to come with me. " he blurred out.

"Sure, yeah I mean it is apart of bet, isn't it."


~Stiles' pov~

I felt disappointed, even though she agreed to come with me; I wanted her to want me.

"You doing have to come with me, if you don't want to."
"And give you the satisfaction of winning? I don't think so."

~Malia's pov~

I was eating a tub of ice cream. I had the one person, who I loved dearly arms around me. I inhaled their scent, the scent which I loved dearly, since I have met them.

"Malia, I think it's time we should talk."
"Ok, what about?"
"We need to talk about us. What are we?"
"I'd like to think we're a couple."
"Malia, will you be my date for the ball."

~Allison's pov~

Scott and I went to a Italian restaurant. We both ordered spaghetti.

"So, what do you think of the food?"
"It's amazing. How did you find this place?"
"I came cross it the other day and I thought that you would love it"
I smiled at how he knew me well, even thought we just met a couple of weeks ago.

"By the way, your mum is scary! "
" Oh my God, she's not really" I laughed.
"It's because you're used to her. She's terrifying."

I laughed and smiled at him.
"Come on, let's go and buy some ice cream"

~Lydia's pov~

Stiles and I went back to Derek's car. Stiles said that he need to get something very special to him.

The car journey was nice and peaceful, we turned the radio on and listened to gasoline by halsey.

We stopped at the old house again. Why does he need to go there again? I don't want to get into any trouble, again?

Stiles got out of the car and ran to his jeep, which he lefted behind. Yeah, when he ran after your clumsy ass.

"Ok, Lydia. Come on, do you want to get food or what?" he asked me, after I got out of Derek's car.

Stiles went into his jeep. I went and sat in the front passenger seat of the car. Stiles turned on the car and drove to the centre of Beacon Hills.
"So, what do you want to eat? Italian?"
"I want pizza"
"Nice choice, me too" he smiled at me.
We walked into a popular pizza shop.

"Hi, welcome to Papa's pizza. What will you two like?"
"I want a cheese pizza, fries and a can of coke, please."
"Ok, what about you, sir?"
"I'll have the same as her, please. But we'll have one extra large pizza and two large fries."
I looked at him like he was crazy.
"we can share" he whispered to me and winked.
The waitress lefted after taking our order.

"So, one question, do you want to go the winter ball with me, or are you just going because of the dare?"
"Hmm..I... Hmm... "
As if all my prayers were answered, the waitress came back with our food, saving me from regret and embarrassment.

"Here's your food, enjoy your meal and thank you for coming to Papa's pizza. By the way, can I ask you two a question, that's if you don't mind."
"Are you two a couple? Because you make a really cute couple."
"We're actually... "
"Yeah we're a couple." Why did he just say that? Lydia don't lie, you're loving this secretly.
"Aww that's soo cute. "
Stiles puts his arms around my waist.

We walked out the shop with our food. We took the food into the Jeep.
"Why did you lie about us?"
"Well, it doesn't harm anyone. And if you don't want it to be a lie, then all you have to do is ask." I rolled my eyes at him.

An: hey so this is the first time I didn't make a massive cliffhanger. So you are most very welcome, just kidding.


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