Chapter 22- Eichen House.

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~Lydia's pov~

"Then let's go to Eichen" I said and smiled at him. Stiles looked at me in amazement. "You know, Lydia Martin, you are amazing" he said to me.

He looked at me and opened his mouth to say something, but just like that, he closed his mouth and decided not to say what he was about to say. I wonder, what he was going to say?
I shrugged the thought off knowing that, I don't really know how to casually ask him.
"So, let's get going" I told him.

~Stiles' pov~

I looked at her in amazement.
"You know, Lydia Martin, you are amazing." I said smiling at her.

She looked at me and smiled looking down at her hands. She was playing with the necklace, which I gave her for her birthday in 4th grade. I opened my mouth to ask her about it, but decided not to.

"So, let's get going" she told me.

I smiled at her, we both got in my jeep and drove off. "So, do you want some music?" "Yeah, sure of course."
I smiled at her and turned on the radio.

I kept on glancing at Lydia once in a while. She staring outside of the window; she had her hand out of the window, twirling her fingers and smiling at the sight of the city lights and landscape. I smiled at her. She looked at me. I turned around very quickly to make sure she did not know that I was staring at her. I looked at the road ahead of me.

"Stiles?" she smiled at me, her hair was blowing in the wind, she looked like a mermaid, no an angel or beautiful little mermaid, or even both.
I looked down at my hands. My heart skipped 40 beats. I looked back at her with the realisation that she just asked me a question. "Oh yeah, sure."


After the car ride, I could stop thinking about how Stiles was looking at me. I looking in the mirror to see if their was anything on my face.

"Lydia, are you going to come or not?" I looked at Stiles, he was holding the gate open for me. "Oh, yeah.. sure." I walked inside. "So, what are we going to look for first?" I wondered.

Stiles smiled at me and let out his hand for me to take. "Come on, let's go!" he said to me and smiling. I looked at him and took his hand. He guided me to into the building.

We walked into the reception. A psychiatrist, who seemed to be in his 40's and had bruises on his face, was sitting at the receptionist's desk.

"Oh, it's you." Stiles said. The man smiled sarcastically at Stiles. "Oh yes, and it's very lovely to see you too, Stiles." Stiles glared at him. Stiles stood in front of me, like he was protecting me from him.

"Can I see someone else? I don't want to talk to you, Brunski." Stiles glared at him. "Nah, it's not really possible. It's my shift, so if you want to talk to someone, you will have to talk to me." Brunski had cheesy grin on his face. This guy is already annoying me.
"Oh, and it's also very late, and visiting hours are almost over."

"Don't you worry about it, we won't be long, we just want to know everything that happened to my mother, I don't really have to tell you her name now do I; you already knew Claudia Stilinski, now didn't you, Brunski?" Stiles interrogated him. "Fine, what do you want?! Don't you already know?" the man lost it. Stiles smirked.

"No, Brunski, I want to know everything. I want to know every single detail. I want to see Gabriel Valack."

Brunski looked like he was about to argue, but Stiles gave him a threatening look, which made Brunski let us go. He guided us to a cell. I wondered, why we are going into a cell room, if we are visiting a doctor and not a patient?

Stiles always remained ahead of me, almost in a protective manner. Brunski has stopped at a door, which he needed to swip to let us in.

"What ever you do, do not look at him in the eye." Brunski warned us. We looked at him with confused expressions. "Hmm, ok?" we both said in sync.

Brunski gave us a look filled with warning, and then swiped his keycard to open the door. Stiles walked in first and then I followed him.
"His room is straight ahead" Brunski told us.

Stiles and I walked ahead. There were some weird and odd things going on, which science couldn't even explain.

We reached the far end of the corridor. There was a glass cell room, inside the room was a man, whom seemed to be no older than Brunski. The man had a bandage on his forehead. "Hello, Stiles" Stiles looked at the man with a weird look.

"Who are you?" the man looked at Stiles like he was deeply offended. "You don't remember your mother's doctor?"

"Speaking of my mother, what happened to her on January 3rd 2009?" the man looked at him and gave him a sinister smile.
"What exactly do you want to know?"
"Tell me how she died."

"She had a visitor, who came to see her, after you came to see her, I believe. They said that they were her family. One of them visited twice that day, actually." I walked up closer to the glass, Stiles held my hand. "What time did they visit?" "It was around 4 o'clock" "Ok, thank you, doctor, for your help" I started to walk away. "Stiles, you got to keep that one, she's a keeper!" Valack shouted out for us.

We walked back to the reception and saw that there was no one at the desk. So Stiles walked up to the visitors book and searched for items 2009.

"Ugh, it's useless! It's only for this year and last year!" he slammed the book shut. "Hey!! Can I get help from someone?" I called out for help. Almost immediately Brunski came. "Ugh! Not you again" Stiles glared at him.
"Always lovely to see you too, Stiles" Stiles continued to glare at him.

"We would like to know, if we can have the visitors list for people, who visited Claudia Stilinski." I asked politely, well I wasn't actually asking.

"Hmm, yeah sure. What year was she here?" "2007 to 2009" I looked at Stiles with a look that said 'that is how you get things done. Oh, and also take notes'

Brunski came back with the book and left as soon as he gave it to us. I gave him a weird look. Why did he just leave us alone with everything?

Stiles seemed to not care and was flipping through the pages, until he stopped. He stopped moving and just stared at the page. I look to see what he saw and saw one name...

A/n:We will also be meeting more people soon, and you will see more of some people.

Still hungry as always


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