Chapter 29 - The Lacrosse Game

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~Lydia's pov~

Today was the day of the first lacrosse game of the year, so naturally there was streamers around the school in the usual school colours along with banners which hung above the school front door saying 'Go cyclones' school spirit.

I walked down the corridors and saw how some girls were giving me death glares, I still haven't gotten used to this. I ignored them and walked down to the cafeteria to find my friends.

I made my way around people and sat down next to Erica and Allison.
"Took you long enough to get here. So how's that hot boyfriend of yours?" Danny teased me. I blushed and shoved him. "He's fine" "Do you mean damn fine, cause I agree!" they all started to laugh.

Cora came along with Kira and Malia. "So, what's it going?" they asked. "Good." We all said in unison. "Well I am actually better than good, I just dumped Jack ass." Danny said proud of himself as he should be. We all laughed and congratulated him. "You honestly deserve better!" We all agreed. "Girl, I know." He said with sass. The bell went off signaling that it was time for registration. "The fuck?! You rude bell, I was bragging about dumping a douche, do you mind?" we all laughed at Danny's annoyance at the bell and just wondered off to registeration.


It was few minutes now until the game and I was wearing my white sweater and a maroon red skirt to go with the school colours. I got a text from Stiles, I smiled at my phone, it was still weird to be his girlfriend and getting his texts every single day.

Stiles: I would love to see you at the game, my personal cheerleader x<3 I am sorry, you are making me rusty on my own flirting game, but anyways when I see you I will kiss you x

Lydia: omg you are soo cheesy.

Stiles: well I hope you like cheese, since I am buying a cheese pizza for us.

Lydia: you know what I love x.

Stiles: me, you love me x.

Lydia: yeah I do x

Stiles: you do take me as your husband?

Lydia: haha very funny, but don't push it.

Stiles: can't I at least push you against a wall ;) x

Lydia: you nasty.

I put my phone down and went into my car and drove to the school. Once I reached there, the whole stadium was filled with students and parents, everyone was dressed in something warm since it was winter. My legs were getting cold due to my bad choice of clothing.

Erica and Cora came up and greeted me. "Hi! Girl you look amazing." Erica told me. "Thank you."

"I can't wait to see people get hit" Cora randomly said. "Okay" I said laughing. "I am serious, I want to see Jackson getting his ass kicked." She said, Allison came and agreed with what she heard. "Come on, I have the food!" she said rather excited as she waved the popcorn around. "Ok, I am coming." I said and followed her.

We sat in the front row close to the pitch. I sat in between Allison and Stiles' dad, I know it sounds weird to say but now it doesn't feel as weird as it sounds, we actually get along.

The players came onto the field and the second Stiles came on the entire crowd went wild, girls were screaming trying to get his attention. Stiles looked focused and like he didn't realise anything around him expect one thing, he had his eyes on me. Stiles was smiling at me and once he reached the middle of the field he winked at me making me blush like mad.

Stiles was the captain and the best player in the team, Scott was the co-captain. The coach blew the whistle and the game had began.

The players ran around the field, Stiles had gotten the ball and he quickly ran to the goal and threw it in giving us a point. "Go on Stiles!!" I screamed, Stiles seemed to have heard me through the loud shouts from the rest of the audience, and winked at me.

A minute left and they were starting to draw, the other team got one in making the scores draw, Stiles grabbed the ball and ran cross the field. A few seconds left, he was going to make it, "Shoot it!!!" I screamed. 5...4... Stiles ran and threw the ball in the direction of the goal... 3...2...1... And he got it in!!

I jumped up screaming in celebration, I clapped and smiled at him, Stiles turned smiled at me, he took his helmet off and ran over to me and picked me up. "You know how I keep my promises." He smirked at me. I laughed at him still sort of confused about what he meant.

Stiles pulled me in for a kiss, I didn't realise what was happening until I felt his soft lips on mine, my heart was pounding like mad. I kissed him back almost immediately, Stiles smiled into the kiss once he realised. We both completely forgot where we were until we pulled apart to catch our breaths. I hugged him completely ignoring the fact that he was sweaty.

"I love you, Lydia Martin." He said to me smiling. "I love you, Stiles Stilinski." I said smiling back at him.

He picked me up and twirled me around slowly. "When I get back I will kiss you." He said to me, he put his helmet on my head laughed at me.

"You look cute." I pouted and crossed arms around my chest Stiles pulled my cheeks gently and laughed and then kissed then. "I will see you in a bit." He told me and then he ran off to get changed.


After that Stiles and I watched the little mermaid together whilst eating pizza.

"Next time, I will choose the movie and you get to pick the food." He told me. Stiles stood up and then made his way to the door. "Don't forget, I will text you in case." I laughed.

"Don't worry." He gave me a look to check to see if I was either lying or going to take my word back. "I am serious." He laughed. "Alright then, I guess I'll see you later."

"Yeah, talk to you later." I kissed him and then he left.

"Lydia?" I heard my mum calling me from the kitchen. "Yes?" "I need to talk to you." Well shit this can't be good. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mum sitting on a chair. "Take a seat." I looked at her worried, whatever it was it seemed to be getting worse and worse, I took a seat and sat down waiting for the bad news.

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