Chapter 24 - Under The City Lights

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~Lydia's pov~

Stiles eyes were focused on the road. I smiled at him. The bright city lights were gleaming above us, as we drove away into the night. The city was bright and beautiful, I have never noticed the beautiful, which was surrounding me.

"It's so beautiful, isn't it?" Stiles smiled at me. "Yeah." I said taking a deep breath.

Stiles stopped the car and then got out of the car, he turned to open the passenger door for me. "Thank you." he smiled at me and gave me his hand.

"You are going to love this place."
I smiled at him. I took his hand and he lead the way. Stiles took me to a massive building, which looked like, it had a view of the entire city.

"Come with me" he smiled as he practically ran in. I followed him, the place looked new but there wasn't anyone else there.

We ran up the never-ending stairs. We finally reached the top floor. Man, I am so unfit. I looked at Stiles, and he looked like he still run a marathon. What the hell, how isn't he hyperventilating?

He had a childish smile on his face, as he opened the door and walked onto the balcony. I followed by, Stiles smiled at me, I held my breath and pretended not to be out of breath. My heart was pounding.

"Don't you think it is amazing?" he asked me. I smiled at the amazing view of the whole city, I could see the little shops, to the school, and even the pizza shop, the whole city looked tiny up here. "Yeah, it is." he turned to look back at me.

"Lydia, what is the point of being alive, if you don't at least try to do something remarkable?" I smiled at him. "Did you just quote John Green at me?" he smiled and laughed. "It's a good life, Hazel Grace" who would have thought that the school's bad boy would quote books.

"The town was paper but the memories were not." he smiled at me. "I loved that book." I smiled at him and lost myself in his eyes. He smile was more beautiful than anything I have ever seen.

"Come on, Lydia. I haven't finished showing you my world." he let out his hand for me to take "If this is your world I would never leave" he smiled at me and I could have sworn he blushed slightly. "Then don't, be the Queen of my universe." I took his hand and we ran back outside, I never realised how I ran down the stairs, which took alot of my energy to walk up the first time.

We ran on the streets, we ran to the car. "It's now your turn to take me to your favourite place." he smiled at me. I got in the drivers seat. "Just be careful with Roscoe." I looked at him with a confused expression. "Roscoe?" "Yeah, the car, my baby." I laughed at him. "You are more dorky than I thought." Stiles pretended to be offended and pouts.

~Stiles' pov~

I smiled at Lydia. She looked very comfortable, as if she was at home, but she was driving. "Lydia?" "yeah?" I contemplated on tell her what I wanted. I wanted to ask her about the winter ball, which was tomorrow night, but I decided not to; not now. 

"What is it, Stiles?" she asked me rather impatient. "I want to know, how long is it going to take for us to get there?" she looked at me for a second and then answered "less than a minute."

We then turned and parked outside of a bookshop. I smirked at her. "What? Don't give me that look. I love this place!" I smiled at her.

"That is okay, show me your favourite books." I said with a joking tone, however I was actually interested. "Shut up, you know that you are actually interested." I smiled. "Yeah, I actually am." I smiled at her and she gave me a suprised look.

"Come on, I am looking forward to hear your thoughts and feelings on your favourite books." I took out my hand for her to take. Surprisingly the bookshop was open, and it was half past 12 in the night. 

Lydia smiled at me and ran into the shop. She ran into the young adult section. I smiled at her and joined her. "I love these books." she picked up the maze runner and the hunger games.

"If you could only read one book, which one would you read?" she gave me a look of horror. "Never say that you might curse me." she gasped. I laughed at her. "But if I had to choose I would pick one of the mortal instruments; maybe the infernal devices. What about you?"

"I would probably choose the scorch trails." She smiled at me like I just gave her an amazing idea.

"Let's go to the children section." with that she grabbed my hand and ran to the children section. I laughed at her childish behaviour.

She took out a Doctor Seuss book.
"I always used to read these books as a child!!" she said with massive excitment. "I used to read the little mermaid even more than Doctor Seuss' books." I laughed remembering how much she loved the little mermaid. "Yeah, I remember." she smiled at me.

"What about you? What did you read as a child." I smiled sadly at her. "My mum used to read books to me. She would read Peter Pan." I smiled at the memory.

"Lydia?" I was going to ask her go to the dance with me, but this time I will not back out.

"Yeah?" I played with my fingers and then built up my confidence to ask her. "Would you...... You know how the winter ball is tomorrow."
"Wait! It's tomorrow!!" she panicked.

"Yeah, I just.. wanted to ask you if you,  wanted to go with.. with me." I released my breath, which I had no idea that I was holding. "Yeah, sure." she smiled at me.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable." I blabbered. "But, what if I told you that I want to." I turned at looked at her astonished at what she just said. "Anyone with the right mind would." She added.

I looked at her and smiled. "Thank you, Lydia, for today, for everything. I am sorry I woke you up earlier."

"Stiles, you didn't wake me up. And it is okay. I am actually glad you did, if you didn't, I would never have known you love books." I smiled at her and put a finger to my lips. "It's our secret, now."

We left the shop and hopped into the car, this time I was driving. Lydia looked tired and almost fell. I picked her up bridal style. "I've got you."

I drove her home, she was asleep in my arms. I smiled at her peaceful expression, I put her in her bed, and then lefted and head back to my house.

I quietly tip-toed up the stairs,  avoiding making sounds that will wake up my dad. I walked up to my bedroom and dropped on my bed, thinking about everything that happened today. 

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