Chapter 7- Wake Up Sleeping Beauty

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~Lydia's pov~

I woke up with the biggest hangover ever. Well you shouldn't have got drunk, you're underage. I just wondering how did I get home again. Then I remembered that Stiles took me home, I don't remember what was telling me, when I was falling asleep. 

~Stiles' pov~

When I woke up, I decided to go and visit Malia. So I got ready and drove over to her house.

I knocked on her door and stood there waiting for 10 minutes.  What is taking her so long? 

I ran the door bell again, but still no response.  So I sent her a text

S: where are you?
I waited 5 minutes and then she replied
M: what? I've just woke up.
S: I'm outside your house, I've been ringing the door bell for almost 20 minutes. 

She didn't reply. Why do I even bother?  I should just spend my day with the boys, at least, they don't let me down.

I called Scott. "hey Scott,  are you doing anything today?" 
"no, not really. Why? "
"I have an idea, call everyone one else. I'm bored and haven't done anything fun in a while."

~Malia's pov~

I got a text and started panicking. It was from Stiles. He said he was at my house, but I wasn't home.  I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything.

I should seriously get going. "I can't stay, I have to go now"

"Why? Why can't you stay for an 10 more minutes? "

"I shouldn't have even come here! What if we got caught? What if people saw us?  What if Stiles saw us?"

"Malia, calm down. No one saw us"
"I still have to go. I will see you another time"

"Malia? I want you to do me a favour, remember Mexico."

~Lydia's pov~

I got a text from Stiles and Scott, asking if I wanted to go out today.
Why would the text me? Oh yeah the Dare. I got up and got changed into a pair of black jeans and a random top, which I found. I took my favourite boots and texted Stiles, asking where should I meet him. He replied telling me that he will pick me up, in 5 minutes.

When he arrived, he was wearing his red plaid shirt with a white t-shirt, he also smelt like what dreams are made of.  "hey, so you coming or what?"  he said and smirked. 

I grabbed my coat and walked out and stepping into Stiles' car. " so, who's coming?"

"hmm Scott, Allison, cora and Jackson"

He started to drive. I wonder where are we going?  " By the way, where are we going?" 

"you'll find out soon" he winked.

We reached to a house, Stiles went out of the car and turned to open the door for me. The house was massive but very old.

"Where are we?" I wondered.
"Welcome to my home."
"This is your house? I'm sorry I mean.. Hmm.. Why did I just ask that?" I awkwardly giggled. "actually it's not really my house, but it feels more like one. We just come here when we're bored."  he looked at my worried expression. "Don't worry about it, this house is abandoned and no one lives here."

"Come on Lydia." he goes inside the house and I follow him. The house had vintage interior and exterior; inside the house were Allison, Scott, Cora and Jackson.

"Finally! you two are here!" Scott exclaimed and gave Stiles a 'Bro hug'  and then handed him a bag. "Hey, Cora" I thought she was Malia's friend.
"Hey, Lydia? Right?" "yeah" I gave her a smile.
"So hmm if you don't mind me asking, are you friends with Stiles,  as well as Malia"
"yeah, actually me and Stiles have been friends since 7th grade."

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