Chapter 5- The Party

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~Lydia pov~

I walked in and all I can hear is blaring music. There were drunken teens everywhere. I searched around the crowd looking for anyone one of my friends.

I finally found Kira talking with Malia and Erica.
"Hey" "hey I don't think we've actually met, I'm Malia" "hi I'm Lydia" "it's nice to finally meet you. I heard Stiles and Kira talk about you a lot, I was starting to get a little jealous" she laughed.
"over me or Stiles" Kira flirted. "you of course" she winked and laughed.

We all started laughing and joking around. Until we saw Allison and Scott dancing along together.

"aww look at them I want to dance with somebody like that!" Malia exclaimed. "well all you have to do is ask" Kira told her.

After danced, I left them and went to look around. I came across a group of people playing drink games. I saw Stiles playing beer pong. What if I go and get my friends to play a game, I mean it is a party.

So with that idea I went and grab my friends. "so do any of you guys want to play a game" I smirked.

"what game do you have in mind?"

"truth or dare"

~the game~

So we all sat in a circle and decided that whoever the bottle lands on has to pick; truth or dare and after their turn they have to take a shot.

I spun the bottle since it was my game. And the bottle landed on... Kira

"Kira? Truth or dare?" "truth" the rules were if you picked truth you had to pick a dare next time and drink two shots after your round.
" Do you have a crush on Malia?"
"yes, yes I do" she admitted and went red and took a shot. She then spun the bottle and it landed on Allison.

"Allison? Truth or dare?" "dare"

"I dare you to ask out Scott"
"I already did and we're dating" she smiled marvellously. "aww"

"you need to take three shots then" Danny said. "why?" "because that won't be fair for any of us". Allison took her three shots and spun the bottle. And it landed on Erica.

"Erica? Truth or dare?" "dare"
"I dare you to go up to your crush, and drink out of his cup, after telling him that he is making you feel thirsty"

We all started erupting with laughter as Erica walked up to Isaac.

"hmm so what's your favourite drink?" "bourbon, why?" she grab his cup and said to him "sorry, you were making me feel thirsty" she winked and walked away leaving him confused.

"Do I have to take a shot, after I literally drank most of his drink?" "rules are rules, Erica" I told her. She took her shot.

I saw Stiles making his way over to us. "what are you playing?" "truth or dare" "mind if I join?" "sure, why not?"

Erica spun the bottle, after Stiles sat down. The bottle landed on Cora.

"Damn it!" "Cora? Truth or dare? " "dare, of course"

"Cora, I dare you to go and dance terribly with the first person you see, when you go through the door".

Cora walked through the door and saw Liam Dunbar and started dancing terribly with him but doing the chicken dance and and hitting the nae nae to the song classic. Liam was so confused he ran off.

Cora returned, she took her shot and spun the bottle. The bottle landed on Stiles.

"Stiles? Truth or dare?" "Dare"

"I dare you to go and run around in your underwear, singing your heart out, to the next song that comes on"

Stiles go down to his boxers and waited for the next song to start and ran into the living room singing along and dancing carefree to the song. I started to laugh so hard that I began crying.

Stiles returned after the song and put on his clothes, but didn't button up his shirt, which I couldn't help but look. Stop he has a girlfriend and she's literally beside you.

Stiles took his shot and spun the bottle. He looked at me whilst it was spinning. Why was he looking at me?

"Lydia? Truth or dare? "

Authors note: ohh shit is getting real. I know I am updating a lot because I am getting soo bored. So i guess here's my gift to you.

Truth Or Dare - Stydia AuWhere stories live. Discover now