Chapter 14-The Reveal

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~Lydia's pov~

I looked at Stiles, anger and rage filled his face.

"It was.. " suddenly the door opened and in came Jackson crawling in.

" Lydia! " he said rather distressed. Stiles turned around and gave him the biggest death glare, I have ever seen in my entire life.

" What the fuck do you want? Can't you see we were in the middle of a conversation? " Jackson simply gave him an apologetic look.

"Leave before you're going to need a room in this hospital!!"

" Stiles? That was kind of harsh. "
" I don't care he deserved it." Stiles looked back at me. "You should keep your friend, Danny, away him. He hurts people."

"What do you mean, he hurts people?"

"I forgot to tell you, who the person behind the mask is; all because some fucking idiot rudely interrupted me!"

"The coward was someone called Jordan Parrish. He is a friend of Jackson's and he works for my dad, the sheriff."

"Why would he attack me? I don't even know the guy." Stiles went silence for a second and said "But I know him, and I feel like he is trying to hurt me again." My hand went up to his cheek, he flinched at my touch. Did I do something wrong?

"Stiles, what happened to your face? "
" Nothing, what do you me? " I gave him a look, telling him to try again and answer my question honestly.

" I got into a fight. He only punched me, you should have seen him; he looks like the piece of shit, he really is."

"Stiles, do you hate him for any other reason?" He gave me this look like he wanted to tell me something, but decided not to.

Stiles pulled a face of realisation, he stood up and with a face of urgency.
" I'm sorry Lydia, I really have to go somewhere. Oh my God, I don't know I forgot!" I swear I saw a tear fall from his face as he ran out of the room. Stiles Stilinski, the bad boy, the heart-breaker, crying. Sometimes I wonder, if people forget he's also human too?

~Stiles' pov~

I hated the fact that I had to leave Lydia's side. But I just had to get somewhere.

I ran into my jeep and drove to the closest shop I could find. I walked into the same shop I went into every year. The shop sold everything from; clothes to flowers to plates and furniture. Sometimes, I wonder, how the fit all of these things in this small shop.

The shop keeper was a sweet old lady, Rose, whom I knew since I was little. This was the same shop my mother used to love.

"Hello! Stiles! I haven't seen you for such a long time! How's everyone? What can I help you with?"

"I'm here for the usual, I'm late and I need it for today." I sound very distressed.

" That's ok. Anything for you and especially Claudia's son." she smiled.
" Thank you."

She went and grabbed the bouquet and handed it to me. I went to pay for it, but she simply stated. "No, it's for free. It's the least I could do." "Thank you again for everything"

I walked out of the shop and drove to see her, my mother's grave.

The cemetery was dark at this time. I walked up to my mother's grave stone. It looked the same as the day we buried her. 'Claudia Stilinski a beloved wife and mother'. I miss you mom. I put her favourite bouquet of flowers, Forget-me-not. She used to tell me the meaning of every single flowers. She told me to go to Rose, when I find the one, and get her the order which she put in on the 2nd of December 2005.

I never knew why that date was significant but she insisted that I had to remember it.

"Mum, I really wish you were here with me, you should see how everything is now; Scott finally has a great girlfriend, I've seen Lydia, I wish you could too. " I placed my hand on the grave stone. "I need you right now. I have no idea what I should do. I feel weak again. The last time, I felt this weak was the day you died. I hate feeling like this."

Then an amazing idea came into my head. If I wanted to be stronger, I had to throw out everything in my life making me weak, today will be the last day that I feel like this. I said my goodbyes to my mum and went to the tree house, which Lydia and I found in 4th grade.

I climbed the tree and found the same pocket watch from that day. The place still looked the same. I took at look at the view from up here and saw the the entire city. Maybe if I step back a little, I could get a better view.

I almost tripped and stumbled on an old letter. What the hell is this?

The letter was 10 years old almost 11, and it was addressed to my mother.

' 8th December 2005
Mrs Claudia Stilinski,

We are writing to inform you about your condition, we will like to let you to contact your local doctor, to get a check up. This will ensure that whether or not you have dementia or not, and you can get care and treatment towards it.

Yours faithfully
Dr Gabriel Valack.'

Underneath that letter was another one, addressed to my mother again, however this time with a different date. The day before she died.

An: So now you know who the coward with the mask is. Put your predictions on what you think is in the letter.

I am soo hungry.


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